Example sentences of "[that] in [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 It is notable that in winter the bird population of heathlands and commons in Sussex is decidedly sparse .
2 It 's a well-known fact that in Knutsford the Fire-Brigade is ex-directory .
3 The novel argues in cold , unremitting fidelity to its own thesis that in life the evil may in the end go unpunished and live happily ever after ; that the truly self-sufficient being , if he anywhere existed , would be ultimately inviolable , fearing neither reproach nor self-reproach ; and that those who are strong enough to live without sympathy are forever beyond the reach of compassion or revenge .
4 Two generations later Horace Walpole complained that in London the Spanish ambassador was " almost the only envoy from a foreign court who disdained to turn his exalted office to trading purposes " .
5 ) . These legends prove at least that in Palestine the transition from the Persian to the Macedonian rule had been smooth .
6 He got the board to take the initiative in asking for a League inquiry , hoping that in return the sentence would be a light one .
7 First , there was the simple fact of depopulation which diminished the general size of the market and the level of demand for indigenous manufactures , and no doubt thereby arrested the economic development of the whole region ; second , the depopulation affected agriculture , reducing some previous food exporting regions to starvation levels by the nineteenth century ; third , African production of cloth , metalware and other handicrafts was severely affected , not only by the loss of so many of its producers , but also by the fact that in return the slave traders penetrated the markets of the coast and hinterland with European cotton and manufactured goods ; and fourth , as the demand for slaves multiplied and as many African kings and merchants became even more dependent on European trade , war raids for the capture of potential slaves from neighbouring societies became even more frequent , injecting political instability , consuming precious economic resources , and creating a vicious spiral in which rival kingdoms became ever more dependent on the slave trade to acquire the fire arms necessary for capturing more slaves and in turn defending their slaves against slave-hunting raids from neighbouring kingdoms ( Rodney , 1972 , pp. 104–23 ; Davidson , 1974 , pp. 206 — 10 ; Inikoria , 1982 ) .
8 It was understood that in return the new Iraqi Kurdish authorities would prevent Iranian Kurdish groups from operating there [ see also p. 38838 ] .
9 These were the men and women who no doubt complained that in Nice the cost of unfurnished houses had risen between 1858 and 1876 from £64 to £100 per year , and that of women servants from £8–10 to a scandalous £24–30 a year .
10 So much so that in America the Black Panthers studied it for tips on guerrilla tactics !
11 At the first , there was not much co-operation , but I am glad to say that in October the association announced a scheme similar to that which my hon. Friend suggested — to offer discounts to certain car owners who have security devices fitted when the car is being made in the factory .
12 A possible reconciliation is to argue that in Collins the accused 's intent was to rape , if necessary , whereas in Jones & Smith there was no " if necessary " about the intent to steal .
13 I ask if they have heard that in Bolivia the government , spurred on by the IMF , made thousands of miners redundant to make their economy ‘ viable ’ .
14 It is true that in Britain the matter is now regulated by statute and to that extent it has been flushed into the open .
15 It must be said that in Britain the new public library authorities created in 1972 have in many cases failed to capitalize on the opportunities for better stock provision which the larger units were supposedly able to achieve .
16 There is also a suggestion that in Britain the elaborate chambered tombs and long barrows , and such structures as Newgrange in Ireland , were not just used for burial but for other purposes as well .
17 I was told that in Britain the weather has to be really dire before a mountain rescue search is called off .
18 This paradox is explained by the fact that in Britain the vast majority of older people are poor and there is therefore less difference in income levels between the group .
19 let them sweetly dream that in Britain the great day has come at last .
20 The sad fact is , however , that in Britain the old have the worst housing of any group .
21 Parliamentary supremacy means that in Britain the courts can not invalidate legislation ( except when it conflicts with European Community legislation , when EC law prevails ) .
22 It is too often forgotten — this is another dimension — that in Britain the age at which children start school is comparatively young .
23 Hatcher and Shallice , for instance , having cited Phizacklea and Miles 's research , conclude , contrary to the researchers , that in education the key task must be the provision of superior explanations for unemployment , for example , which would also involve discussions of issues of class politics .
24 It was just that in camp the link between sex and behaviour was often cruder and more obvious than in ordinary life .
25 It is thought that in January the Bank sold pounds nine months forward when it was engaged in the task of restraining the pound 's advance .
26 Roger Stevenson , prosecuting , said that in January the little girl told her mother Mr Lockwood had sexually abused her .
27 It is true that in film the ‘ image ’ , however symbolically intended or perceived , is always ‘ literalised ’ by the medium itself .
28 He observed that in Lawrence the House did not have to consider the precise meaning of ‘ appropriation ’ in section 3(1) and continued [ 1984 ] A.C. 320 , 331–333 :
29 It is indeed true that in word-pairs the B-word is often less frequently attested , more poetic , more esoteric than the A word .
30 The idea stems from the belief that in gnathostomes the mandibular arch is a serial homologue of the hyoid arch and the more posterior gill arches .
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