Example sentences of "[that] when [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 The Baltic lay becalmed that day , yet left no doubt that when aroused it could rage like a maddened beast .
2 The respect the government accorded them was correspondingly limited : it was significant that among the great civil reforms of the reign that of urban government should have been left until last , and that when enacted it should have concentrated power in the hands of a very narrow élite .
3 Harrods sent me a tiny twist of the stuff and I can report that when made it is extraordinarily clear and pale .
4 Would you please mention in your classes that when ordering it would help us if they could also state their teacher 's name .
5 In 1.1 , for example , we showed a sequence of instructions to add one to the operand field of an " add " instruction , so that when executed it referred to successive locations in store .
6 On a proportional grid , we would have to draw this as an egg-shaped , so that when knitted it would appear the correct shape .
7 Meg Dods ( The Cook 's and Housewife 's Manual , I 826 ) instructs that if this is to be kept as a cold relish the white meat and the coral and spawn should be packed " in a regular manner , in layers , or alternate pieces , so that when sliced it may have that marbled appearance , that look of mosaic work which so commends the taste of the cook " .
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