Example sentences of "[that] if he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He had also developed such affection for his owner , and had become so possessive of her , that if he saw her stroking another horse , he would roar with rage and throw himself sideways against the nearest fence , cutting and scraping his skin so that it bled .
2 His idea , she realised , was that if he saw to it that she had enough work to keep her occupied both at work and at home , there would be little time left over , if she wanted to keep on top of her job , for any social life with Travis .
3 Like many sexually naïve people , Lewis supposed that if he eliminated the consciously erotic elements of his sexuality from the surface of life , he would be able to dispel the habits and characteristics of which these particular tastes were a mere symptom .
4 I replied to him that if he cared to submit the List to any representative group of Jews , he would hear their ‘ no ’ from Downing Street to Golders Green .
5 She knew herself well enough to know that if he challenged her account in the latter mode she 'd almost certainly lose her temper with him , and then the atmosphere between them , which had been ( with the exception of his overtures ) so easy and undemanding , would be spoiled .
6 Carter , accordingly , seemed to believe that if he studied the energy problem in sufficient detail and drew on the views of the appropriate experts his administration could develop an adequate policy .
7 The manager ca n't justifiably desert either of his regulars at the moment but knows that if he walked the street and canvassed the fans there would be only one answer : bring on the Frenchman !
8 Could n't be sure that if he walked back in now she would n't still feel that leap of the heart , that curl of excitement .
9 Minutes they had been together and yet she felt that if he walked away out of her life now she would feel a loss that could n't be explained .
10 I asked him not to say any more to me , since at that time I represented the Labour Party and felt it quite possible that if he brought any action I would be called upon to act for them .
11 Something seemed to open or to expand in her brain , releasing a cold voice which she had never heard there before , telling her that if he cheated her she might just as well kill him .
12 Even now the magnetism that drew her to him was so strong that if he knocked at her door and said he 'd changed his mind , in spite of everything , it might take more amor proprio than she could muster to refuse him .
13 He had a premonition that if he read it , he would find himself committed to an ever-widening circle of excommunications .
14 What Harry Lime missed out on , though , was the fact that if he 'd gone Club 18–30 instead of Austrian Airlines , and taken a couple of friends in tow who were paying the full price , he could have copped for a massive sixty sovs off his bill , got a suntan into the bargain , and avoided coming to a very nasty end in the sewers .
15 But it was n't trash : I 'm sure that if he 'd had long enough , he 'd have said exactly what I wrote ! ’
16 He says now that if he 'd known what it would involve he would have taken the first plane out of town , but I was hugely relieved when he agreed .
17 He thought that if he 'd had the choice , it would n't be the toad snuff box , but the marvellous box in yellow and white opal enamel , with the unhappy Nicholas II 's cipher and crown , and the Imperial eagles in diamonds and black enamel .
18 He felt that if he 'd been wearing a gun , this man would have known .
19 THE screen persona of Lee Van Cleef suggested that if he met a rattler , the snake would come off worse .
20 In spite of this , sitting on his Empire chair beneath the window , head tilted to one side at an angle of acute concentration , he had the curious sensation that if he shifted his gaze from the little group mouthing in front of him his head might fall off .
21 He felt that if he waltzed his dancers round and round as in a ballroom he would not be interpreting Chopin 's idealised romantic waltzes for a solo pianist .
22 While McEnroe , who appeared far from visibly insecure , enjoyed watching the following match between compatriots Andre Agassi and Michael Chang , a clearly embarrassed Babcock was left to confirm that if he failed to come to a press conference after his next match — against Goran Ivanisevic tonight — he would be fined up to $10,000 .
23 However , he knew that if he failed to live up to it they would not take his word again .
24 Her tone made it clear that if he wished , coffee was only the beginning of what they might have time for .
25 He told Aenarion that if he sought such corrupt power he would bring eons of tragedy to the Elves , that he and his line would be accursed to the last generation , that the gods would turn their faces from him and that Aenarion himself would surely die .
26 She thought that if he said the wrong thing now everything would be over for her and him .
27 She hoped that if he said he had discovered she met Scott Fitzgerald she would be able to treat the suggestion with the seriousness Tim would think it deserved .
28 It was clear to him that if he said he could , his lordship would take him .
29 in the local press joked that if he had done all the write-up said then he must have joined the police when he , was about 7 !
30 A stern note from the IBA advised him that if he had read the small print on his contract , he would have realised he had no right to .
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