Example sentences of "[that] we [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 All we needed was a red flag to warn the locals that we might be about to frighten the horses .
2 Locke 's tentative suggestion about the possibility of thinking matter would have seemed to lead to atheism too ; but he was quick to point out to his critic , Edward Stillingfleet , that the suggestion that we might be purely material does not involve the denial of all spiritual immaterial beings ; if we are thinking matter , it needed a spiritual God to make us so .
3 Certainly they talk of other gods , but the nature of these gods is so different from that of the god whom Jews and Moslems are to follow that we might be tempted to deny that these others are gods at all .
4 What results from this is that we might be led to think that the problem with defining God is that there is a whole range of ideas about the divine being that tend to produce no very clear overall picture .
5 The idea that we might feel , that we might be angry , that we might care , that we might even have what are disparagingly known as ‘ gut feelings ’ rather than hard scientific evidence , is held to be something of a problem if you are an environmentalist on the road to success .
6 Gordon Lines suggests that we might be underestimating the carbon input by omitting carbon-fixation by algae and photosynthetic bacteria ( Letters , 23 December , 1982 , p 857 ) .
7 I used to discuss with my brother ways and means of becoming martyrs , and we agreed to go together to the land of the Moors , begging our way for the love of God , so that we might be beheaded there … .
8 Jesus prayed that we might be one as he and the Father are one .
9 Jesus prayed that we might be one as he and the Father are one .
10 Jesus prayed that we might be one as he and the Father are one , that the world might believe .
11 I felt that we might be able to establish peace by other means until he had grown up and become more readily identifiable as top dog by Stan .
12 I remember that we were quite concerned that we might be expected to take off from ‘ Argus ’ as even the resident Swordfish seemed to have difficulty .
13 I actually felt when we walked out on that stage that we might be able to meet the challenge .
14 Personally I ca n't help thinking that we might be better off waving goodbye to these Sacred Brides and Divine Mothers and starting over with women and mums .
15 If we are to make any further progress , then , we must now abandon the assumption that the practice of the social sciences must conform to our existing philosophical intuitions , and instead consider seriously the possibility that we might be able to develop a better theory of social explanation by way of examining the successful practice of the social sciences .
16 It was once believed to be a very young star , still condensing ; then it was suggested that we might be dealing with a Black Hole ; now it seems more likely that the eclipsing component is a hot bluish star surrounded by a cloud of opaque material .
17 As we loaded up the trucks with everything we would need for our month away at Canjuers I felt that we might be about to learn some soldiering .
18 There is in fact a sceptical tendency in foundationalism of this sort , just because it leads us to see as problematic everything other than our knowledge of our own sensory states ; it acknowledges the danger that we might be unable to construct the superstructure which the foundations are intended to carry .
19 This is such a formidable list that we might be tempted to assume that research and higher education must at least be species of the same genus of activity , even if not actually identical .
20 It was hard to adjust to a normal life ; to no longer fearing that the door would suddenly be opened and somebody would come to take us away ; to the thought that there might soon be more food ; and that we might be able to travel further afield than Parma or even Trieste .
21 Omar expressed anxiety that we might be attacked as we withdrew from Bahdu , but Ali Wali guaranteed our safety .
22 We were perhaps selected by someone with a sense of humour who thought that we might be the right couple to bring in a Queen 's Speech which increases the penalties for mutiny in prisons .
23 If the hon. Member for Oldham , West or I wrote to our local tax inspector and claimed that someone had put a form through our letterbox requiring only our signature for the taxation officer to open up our tax affairs for the past 30 years on the offchance that we might be entitled to something , that would be farcical .
24 I hope that the hon. Member for Beaconsfield will serve on the Committee that will examine the Bill , although I am not trying to condemn him to that if he does not wish to be there , because I think that we might be able to find some common ground .
25 The Cycling Council badly needs some income , and I suggest that we might be given a percentage of the revenue , say 20% , in addition to the initial £75 .
26 I would hope that we might be able to arrange it but obviously if it is er out of the question , then we 'd have to try to rearrange it some other time .
27 Er , I 've seen other papers where there is a hint that we might be looking for a contribution , er , out of the general budget , er , of that difference , that two hundred and fifty thousand .
28 That we might be , not frustrated , you know , frustration is because , I 'm not able to do what I should be doing .
29 and to pursue the options that are are available to us , and that 's what I hope the Treasurer will do , er , and this is all we 're approving at the moment , and that an an and to find out just what the , how the land lies , what the best position is , what interest rates that we might be able to get , and over what period and I I I er support this er er er er this expense bud budget .
30 Er it 's been one of my hopes that we might be able to get er a small youth section or youth committee coming er from amongst these people .
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