Example sentences of "[that] she have always " in BNC.

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1 A young relative writing to me recently expressed the feeling that she had always found it easier to give than to receive .
2 I am still dreaming of the white cotton lace bedspread that I have always promised to knit for my ‘ best friend ’ because I know that she had always wanted one .
3 Again , in October 1281 , Edward I wrote to her , saying that she had always striven to keep the peace between Henry III and Louis , and between Philip III and himself .
4 All these years , she had carried Tyler 's image in her heart , and suddenly there he was , looking at her , startling her , his gaze finding its way into that secret part of her that she had always kept hidden .
5 When Vron had sobbed it all out after showing her prospective stepson photographs of herself having a handjob with no clothes on for money , she explained to me at throaty length and with hot tears still foiling the points of her lashes — that she had always been creative .
6 When Vron had sobbed it all out after showing her prospective stepson photographs of herself having a handjob with no clothes on for money , she explained to me at throaty length and with hot tears still foiling the points of her lashes — that she had always been creative .
7 And she was bound to confess that the Larks had always made her nervous , that she had always dreaded her visits to their crumbling , chaotic , downright shabby ancestral home , with dogs leaping out at one from every chair and all those things they kept on shooting — pheasant , partridge , grouse , poor little scrawny things — hanging up to rot simply everywhere .
8 That she had always been in control before he had come on to the scene and turned everything upside-down .
9 Another rumour countered that she had always been unpleasant and had thus never had a love-affair , unhappy or otherwise .
10 She thought that she had always believed Mo was better company than any person could ever be ; now she saw she had been wrong .
11 It occurred to him that she had always bathed in private — the door locked against him .
12 Her perception of physics as a discipline is one that is about ideas and concepts ; she said that she 'd always found physics much more ‘ dynamic ’ than ‘ static ’ subjects like chemistry and geography .
13 Ronni suspected that was probably true and that she 'd always known it .
14 But even as he lifted it , reflexes that she 'd always prayed would be lightning-fast in a showdown proved their sterling worth , galvanising her into action .
15 The press took it as read that Kylie was indeed an anorexic — again something that she has always denied .
16 If we are to take this speech as accurate reportage within the conventions of deathbed narratives , is there not something a little remarkable in Leapor 's assuring her friend and patron that she has always loved her father , though never so much as now , when she is dying ?
17 He insists that she has always had plenty .
18 She reveals that she has always carried a photograph of Levy in her handbag and still does so today .
19 Part of her power is that she has always been there for her children , part of her sadness is that they have betrayed that care by what she sees as dereliction of duty .
20 Fashion Editor Caroline Baker was delighted to hear that she has always liked ethnic clothes .
21 Possibly , we may know more still about her : that she has always voted Labour , believes in capital punishment , and thinks multinational firms are manipulating the world ; likes reading romances , does the pools regularly , and watches Coronation Street every week … .
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