Example sentences of "[that] she [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Although Great Britain and Ireland was being hammered on this occasion Jane felt so tight and tense at lunchtime on the second day that she asked if she could stand down .
2 She had told Dorothy that she felt that the steady routine of her secretarial work would , for the moment , be most helpful to her .
3 Isobel said that , personally , she found the latter much easier , but that she felt that the former was , in every sense , her job .
4 When she was calmer , she also made it clear that she felt that a stricter approach that forced Balbinder to concentrate and work harder was all that was needed .
5 Mrs Singh said that she felt that Balbinder would always do what was wanted if it suited him .
6 He helped her to her feet , anxiously dusting her coat , apologizing , undistressed , so courteous and unconfused that she felt that he had conferred upon her a favour , and to her amazement she heard her own voice answering , with equal , answering ease , assuring him that no , she was not hurt , no , of course it was not his fault , yes , it certainly was the roughest she had ever known it .
7 The pupil pointed out to the teacher and the class that she felt that there is pervasive racial prejudice in the school , which the teachers failed to acknowledge .
8 The reason she gave for this was that she felt that experiencing repeated failure was bad for pupils .
9 She said that she felt that children aged between seven and 11 were at particular risk of being cloned by their elder brothers or elder friends into people with the same offending habits .
10 That she felt that it was really something D P actually signed off ..
11 Anna supposed that she should then have had another baby , to keep Flora company , but had found that she felt as unlike having another baby as she had once felt like it .
12 Bernice told herself that it was n't surprising that she felt as though she was being watched .
13 Her head did not precisely ache , but it felt hollow and somehow precarious ; and she found it hard to make her muscles work so that she felt as though she might trip over her own feet or walk into the furniture .
14 Grim and forbidding were the two well-used words that came to mind as she looked up at the building for the first time ; but there were no words that could easily describe the helpless terror that she felt as the side-gate opened before them and the ambulance had driven through .
15 His eyes were fixed on her with such intensity that she felt as if that dark brown gaze were burning her skin .
16 Not so tall and powerfully built that she felt as though she might break if he so much as touched her .
17 She stretched her legs under the table , feeling the same satisfaction that she felt when she woke that morning .
18 It was mikva night , and the last thing in the world that she felt like doing was making love to her husband — she could have quite cheerfully strangled him !
19 He looked so gorgeous that she tripped as she reached him in her high red heels , and landed against his hard chest with a gasp of shocked pleasure .
20 Then she heard Christ speaking to her , saying that she would have victory over all her enemies , and that she was to give up the hair-cloth that she wore and her continual saying of the Rosary , but must stop eating meat .
21 The child who comes home saying , ‘ I hate school ’ , learns that it is not everything about school that she dislikes when her mother says ‘ It 's been a bad day today , has n't it ?
22 Furiously she rubbed , unknowing that she passed and repassed over the same bright spot , while the images came and went , flitting through .
23 She says that she screamed when it happened , she did n't know what to do .
24 She was drawn unquestionably to the appearance of things , though she was aware that she had as yet much ground to cover , and that she had followed many a false trail ; she remembered with particular regret the quantities of eyeshadow which she had once thought desirable , and the pendant earrings of the same epoch .
25 She says that she hopes that in the end another by-pass scheme will result from the conference .
26 In the course of this they gather the pheromones that she produces and circulate them quickly throughout the colony .
27 the prize that she got when she
28 To say that she looked like Emily would be an exaggeration .
29 The iron grey , Tero , got by because her coat was almost black , but Maldita was so dazzlingly white , except for a sprinkling of rust-brown freckles on her belly , that she looked as though she 'd been through the car wash .
30 It would be perfect for lunch in Paris and , although it was not really suitable for travelling , it would at least ensure that she looked as she ought for her reunion with Anthony .
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