Example sentences of "[that] she [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I remember that she asked me to guess what was inside a sort of pasty served to her on Thásos , and that I got it right at the first guess : macaroni .
2 Jean so enjoyed the challenge of her new job that she asked her husband , Peter , then a watch salesman , to help her move the heavy rolls of fabric , put up shelves and pictures and generally bring some order to the store .
3 Sheldon had become much attached to her during his time at the Lock Hospital and it is said that she asked him to embalm her body after her death , which he did .
4 Deborah is confident and outspoken and had mentioned to me that she felt her sense of herself as ‘ not bad-looking ’ , and her lack of any real anxieties about her weight or body was largely due to her mother .
5 His anger matched her own , then outgrew it so that she felt her breath catch in dismay as she saw the expression on his coldly furious face .
6 The rampant desire she glimpsed in his eyes was so clear and so fierce that she felt her breath catch in her throat .
7 What could she say to him except that she felt her life — their life together — slipping away ; that whether she survived or slid wearily from her broken body , there was no longer any prospect of happiness for them ; that he should forget her and make his own world without her ?
8 Mrs Ware telephoned me five weeks after her husband died saying that she felt her children should be taken into care and she should be hospitalized because she could no longer cope .
9 He was terrified , and his fear began to obsess her , so that she felt her own body begin to knot up with tension again .
10 She found herself saying that she felt her father was going to ‘ drop down ’ in some way .
11 ‘ I read a very good piece by Candida Crewe , in which she said that she felt her life had been made richer by having had step-parents .
12 I told you that she felt her life was ended .
13 His voice was deep and soft with memories , so that she felt her heart dip , then beat crazily as she remembered the last time she 'd been involved in his research , when he 'd kissed her that morning .
14 The flat drawl was so calmly unmoved that she felt her throat dry in panic .
15 He accepted , as he watched the anger rekindle her eyes , that she felt he was blackmailing her .
16 WHEN Stephanie Cole went to the read-through of the BBC2 film Memento Mori , there were so many famous names present that she felt she 'd stumbled into Who 's Who in the Theatre .
17 The therapist pointed out to Liz that she seemed to be trying to get away from both the shop and the flat , and Liz then talked about her life with her boyfriend and that she felt she needed to start afresh .
18 She told me that she felt she could do this , and proceeded to do so .
19 The boy would spend a few weeks at a time with his father and when Sheila one day came to collect Scott , she mentioned that she felt she might well marry again .
20 She was so ashamed of not remembering what had happened that she felt she must compensate him in some way , so she kissed his mouth and stroked his cheek .
21 Only later had it occurred to him to wonder whether he should feel alarmed by Charlotte 's anxious tone or flattered that she felt she could turn to him for advice .
22 Just at that moment when everyone was crossing their fingers on her behalf , so she looked up and told Jim that she felt she would do better to play out at an angle .
23 And so miserable that she felt she would never drag herself out of this pit of misery .
24 As far as Simon knew , the late-night callouts were an occasional part of the job that she did n't much like , but said that she felt she had to do .
25 Her own awareness of him was so strong that she felt she could have tracked him anywhere , just by the dizzying sensation of his presence .
26 Resenting my making decisions that she felt she ought to make .
27 His eyes were so alive that she felt she was looking straight into the source of his pleasure — he was the sort of man who thrived on challenge and went out to meet it head-on .
28 After all that had happened she was still unable to betray Peter — in fact , it was because of all that had happened that she felt she could n't be the one to give away the details of his difficulties , especially not to Marc , now that she knew how things stood between them both .
29 His hand curled around the back of her neck , slipping under the heavy weight of her hair , and she shuddered violently , her whole body so tense that she felt she would shatter into a thousand tiny pieces .
30 The very reason she had applied to the shipping company for a job was that she felt she needed a complete break , a change of scene .
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