Example sentences of "[be] [adv] the more " in BNC.

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1 So if , as seems likely , we have to wait a long time for a follow up to the triumphant Glyndebourne production , we should be all the more grateful for occasions like the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra 's concert performance ( sponsored by English Estates ) .
2 But with the Dalai Lama , who fled to India in 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule , now honoured with a Nobel Peace Prize not merely for his religious work but for ‘ his struggle for the liberation of Tibet ’ , China 's efforts to keep him and his cause in quarantine will be all the more difficult .
3 I come now to what will be the first of many simplicities which I shall offer to you this afternoon ; for I am sure you already realise from what you know of my speakings and writings — and it will be all the more painfully obvious in half an hour 's time — that I am incurably simpliste .
4 Without this kind of activity , the difficult balance to be struck between essentially paternalistic decision taking and responsiveness would be all the more likely to swing towards the former .
5 Such difficulties as these tend to be all the more preoccupying nowadays because one does not have the means to discuss and corroborate views with one 's fellow professionals in the way one once did .
6 I feel the greatest contribution the National Council could make to the Rottweiler in Australia is the stabilizing of type , but in the present climate , with a flood of imports from various destinations , this will be all the more difficult .
7 But if that examination were dropped , would it not be all the more necessary to retain A levels , emphasizing their role both as school-leaving certificate and as entry test for higher education ?
8 In that it may prove all the more digestible to the popular audience , which might otherwise read about self defence against robots , it may be all the more valuable for that .
9 Such research would be all the more effective if it were done in conjunction with the European and British institutes for tropical research that I discussed earlier this year ( 3 and 20 January , pp 106 and 183 ) .
10 That he thought ; sugared cakes , a block of cheese , would be all the more exquisite ; fitting — for how she had treated him .
11 She knew that this trouble with her daughter would be all the more enjoyed because it was a reflection on herself .
12 It is already significant for that reason : the Council 's resolve to condemn mass destruction in modern war is shown to be all the more strong .
13 Presque imperceptible if Ravel 's instruction to the ppp strings on page 1 of the score ; and so they are here , which is fair enough , except for the paradox , confirmed by Dutoit and Monteux ( both Decca ) , that Ravel 's moments of mystery can be all the more mysterious when you 're allowed to hear them clearly .
14 The implementation of PREPP will mean that education and teaching skills will be all the more necessary in addressing mentorship of newly qualified staff , while the changed expectation of learners , and the need for qualified staff to identify which skills students need to observe all call for clinical staff to have teaching skills .
15 Here , indeed , this freak of fortune was felt to be all the more cruel on account of the impossibility of resenting it openly ; but this was nothing to the delighted grandfather .
16 Here , indeed , this freak of fortune was felt to be all the more cruel on account of the impossibility of resenting it openly ; but the delighted grandfather cared nothing for what the John Pontifexes might feel or might not feel ; he had wanted a grandson and he had got a grandson ; this should be enough for everybody …
17 And therefore my brothers , be all the more eager to make your calling an election sure .
18 The effect will be all the more telling .
19 ‘ Villagers would be all the more anxious to get the responsibility for him off their hands .
20 Taking account of moves towards further devolved management to schools and proposed greater consultation between headteachers and boards it is likely that training will be all the more important in the future .
21 Furthermore , Kemp 's absence that afternoon would mean that this other person — yes , Downes — would be all the more committed to staying with the tourists for the scheduled ‘ informal get-together ’ .
22 An injunction that his feast day is to be observed appears in the legal texts which Wulfstan drafted for him , and if the same clause in surviving copies of Æthelred 's laws is a later interpolation , as Patrick Wormald has contended , then Cnut 's interest in Edward , implied by his apparent gift of relics of this saint to Westminster Abbey , would be all the more striking .
23 And that therefore it would be all the more difficult in terms of er P P G three to ensure a positive environmental improvement from the construction of a new settlement .
24 You 're desperate to see some progress and push a plan to success , so today 's delays will be all the more infuriating .
25 Writers were thought to be probably the more rational and intellectual of the two .
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