Example sentences of "[be] [adj] that the " in BNC.

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1 It would also be preferable that the Bank of Ireland would discuss the situation with IBOA as the representative of the majority of their staff .
2 It must be preferable that the original action proceed rather than being convoluted into a negligence action .
3 Tennis itself should be grateful that the game has thrown together people such as Cliff Richard ( who modestly declines to take any credit other than that of name association ) and Mappin herself , not to mention the substantial support of Direct Line Insurance , with the drive and commitment to do just that .
4 He said that his first speech in the previous coal debate made the headlines of Coal News , but I do not think that the chairman of British Coal will be grateful that the hon. Gentleman has halved the take and production of coal in his remarks .
5 Starving Somalis , and now it seems , starving Bosnians , and many others have reason to be grateful that the generous conscience of America can still be roused to action , often at major risk to American lives .
6 For example , it can not be right that the Government should retain as offices private houses and blocks of flats while homeless families are dossed down in imperfectly converted workhouses , or forced to ‘ squat ’ in Nissen huts .
7 He may be right that the centre of gravity among that supposedly central group of Britons , the skilled workers , or C2s , has shifted back in favour of higher state spending .
8 With violence appearing to be on the wane at the moment , he may well be right that the future looks bright .
9 It follows from this My Lords that I believe that the Noble Lord , Lord with his well-known moderation and desire to compromise has gone rather too far in meeting Government intentions , but at all events I do ago go along with his proposal that if it is to be done by order , it would be right that the order should be laid before Parliament to make quite sure that justice has been done .
10 Even her father 's death a month ago had n't really affected her , because he had been ill for such a long time that nobody could be sorry that the end had come .
11 Similarly you may have combined with your application for judgment one for an interim award and it would be absurd that the benefit of that award should be lost in providing the costs of the action thus far .
12 The coin caused it to be possible that the bar come out .
13 American policy was already characterised by the traits that existed to 25 June 1950 : it was felt to be undesirable that the Soviet Union should incorporate Korea within her sphere of interest yet there was little inclination in Washington to commit the United States deeply to supporting whatever kind of government emerged in the south .
14 However , we must not forget that we are trying to spawn new industrial or commercial opportunities , and although researchers are encouraged to explore the full potential of their ideas whatever the outcome , it must be conceivable that the research could lead to a significant opportunity for investment within a reasonable timescale ; say a decade or so .
15 If the patient is walking , you have to be careful that the path is not slippery at all when he first goes outside .
16 Obviously the fishkeeper should be careful that the female he mates with a particular male is of the correct form for that male , as otherwise offspring are likely to be genetic mish-mashes of indeterminate appearance .
17 We must be careful that the harmonisation of individual legislatures is not achieved at the expense of those groups with little economic power .
18 Also , Brother owners should be careful that the brush does not find its way into the needle retaining springs , so that when you pull or push the brush , it bends these springs .
19 You had to be careful that the builders did n't catch us .
20 He must be careful that the new rules he lays down fit well enough with rules established by others or likely to be established in the future that the total set of rules will work together and make the situation better rather than pulling in opposite directions and making it worse .
21 I do think it 's a difficult one , but I do feel there is a limit to the number , and therefore we should be careful that the ones we agree to are the ones that interest local people .
22 If so , it would be wrong that the council , because it has performed its statutory duty under the national law to enforce section 47 , was to find itself under a liability in damages as a result of performing that duty .
23 It is said that it would be wrong that the justices should be put in a position of making an order on the merits of the case that there should be no contact , when the next day the local authority and the parent could depart from that order .
24 Even if Dáil members had thought otherwise , it must by now be clear that the ethos of the Irish Republic was still one in which it was impolitic to be in conflict with the church .
25 But whether a monetarist or exchange rate policy is preferred it ought to be clear that the country can no longer endure an ambiguous mix of the two .
26 So it should be clear that the separation of husband and wife has nothing to do with infertility of the woman .
27 It is very difficult to see how Germany is less centralised and it should be clear that the ‘ subsidiarity ’ principle is merely an allocation of competence , as in the hierarchy of a company , rather than a distribution of power .
28 It is important to be clear that the Deity does not lose its transcendence by being immanent .
29 These are the kinds of issues which an analysis of curriculum balance needs to address , and the head will need to be clear that the heart of the matter is the question of the deployment of time in ways which allow adequate attention to all parts of a curriculum .
30 It will be clear that the range will be short unless a powerful transmitter is used or the waves are directed to the listener in some way .
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