Example sentences of "[be] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 But if we have everything ready to leave as soon as I get back from chess and I 'll make sure I leave promptly if we can come straight away then , with a bit of luck we 'll be on to the M twenty five b by half past four so we might
2 I drove it both times in similar test conditions , so any change would be down to the car .
3 One day soon I will rip its beak off and glue it onto the end of my own fine aquiline conk , and , secure in my new disguise , I 'll be down to the Inland Revenue Enforcement ( B ) in Barrington Road and scrabbling frantically at my tax inspector 's trousers ( I may be wrong , but I picture them as that specially rich shade of brown polyester-and-worsted that only Dunn & Co can achieve ) before you can say , ‘ Well , what 's got into you , dearie ? ’
4 This can only be down to the ‘ flocculating ’ of suspended particles , which an efficient filter system can then deal with .
5 Of course , some of the LSE II 's bass response must be down to the rosewood back and sides ; the chances are the mahogany version would be toppier-sounding , but both would make equally top-notch recording guitars .
6 Any rethink by the NRA would be down to the persistence of the members , he said .
7 Otherwise , it will be down to the usual international brinkmanship in Rio itself , and that 's no way to run a planet .
8 It would probably carry on like this for at least another hour , and then the first of the departures would begin ; the ones with an early start in the morning , the ones with teenaged babysitters , the ones who rarely went out anyway … an hour after that they 'd be down to the hard core , and an hour after that it would just be a case of guiding out those last drunks who were too far-gone to find the door .
9 In his opening speech , the hon. Member for Birkenhead said that we should ’ bring forward ’ the arrangements which will prevail after 1993 , but it will not be down to the local adjudication officer to assess people to decide the appropriate care and to assess the reasonable rate .
10 It must be down to the record companies .
11 All entries must be in to the Green Dragon Museum Theatre Yard , Stockton , by May 23 .
12 They almost , almost be over to the window , saying , look at those minus three cars
13 Just give you one quick smack and that 'll be through to the other side !
14 The more energetic will be off to the King Alfred Leisure Centre to risk their dignity on the Wild Waters and on the three 100-metre slides .
15 However , the Government has proposed changing this so that the final decision would be up to the DoE .
16 It would then be up to the US and Canada to decide whether they want to face towards the Atlantic or Pacific — or be caught between two great trading oceans .
17 It would be up to the courts to decide on the matter , ’ says her local trading standards officer , Mr Slater .
18 It would be up to the scientists to decide which is the viable option and which belongs to the realm of science fiction .
19 Not until a new switching centre in Birmingham comes on stream will the 1000-km network be up to the mark .
20 It will be up to the engineers to spread what resources there are as far as possible .
21 A spokesman for the Department of Health and social security said a decision to implant an artificial heart would be up to the doctor ‘ like any other replacement operation ’ .
22 It will be up to the doctor responsible to decide whether or not your organs can be successfully transplanted .
23 Your filter is fairly powerful and should be up to the job , but I must admit that I personally prefer undergravel filtration for almost all purposes .
24 If this has not been the case , it will be up to the individuals to explain the reasons behind this .
25 The Institute has been given legal advice to the effect that there is a possibility that the defence of qualified or absolute privilege might be available , but it would be up to the courts to decide and the only way of finding out would be a test case .
26 After that it would be up to the German socialists to respond , pressing their own Government to adopt positions convergent with the emergent consensus among the Allies .
27 Sir Nicholas told MPs it will be up to the judge whether he sits in public .
28 ‘ We have suffered some serious setbacks through injuries , but when you tour you do so with a full squad and they must all be up to the mark . ’
29 Judging from the photograph , Joseph Noel Paton 's Crimean War weepie ‘ Home ’ is one of the very few narrative pictures which might be up to the standard of this ideal exhibition .
30 The smaller town of Souvala , and poor Perdika , have not yet got that far ; but in general Aegina will fairly soon be up to the standards those fussy Germans and English expect .
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