Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Using everyday objects , basic scientific principles can be explained even to the very young .
2 The importance of this task needs to be explained especially to young married couples .
3 For instance , difference theorists dislike the implication that everything about women 's behaviour can be traced simply to their subordination , and this resistance has a lot to recommend it .
4 The reason for this can be traced historically to the fact that research on creativity in academic psychology has formed a quite separate strand of enquiry from that originating in the early pathographic analyses carried out by medical writers .
5 Adams maintains that these observed variations may be traced historically to differences in government action .
6 Consider , though , a case in which a given enterprise is unwilling to invest because of low expected profitability , yet this low prospective profitability can be traced neither to faulty managerial calculations , nor to foreign competition of a kind justifying protection , nor to the failure of an identified ‘ need ’ for the enterprise 's product to register as monetary demand , nor to internal competition from other enterprises operating a more intensive exploitation of labour .
7 The results indicate problems for hearing people in using sign language effectively which might be traced directly to the problems of the language learning situation .
8 In the penny oracles of the press , however , there were bolder accusations as when The Daily Graphic ( 16 November 1900 ) confidently asserted that ‘ the pistol is the ideal weapon of the Hooligan … his love for it can be traced directly to the influence of the ‘ penny dreadfuls ' ’ ’ .
9 The next portion ( 11–14 ) can be traced directly to the lecture " Socrates and Tragedy " ( February 1870 ) , but the rest of the book ( 15–25 ) is a less tidy amalgam .
10 He said he had no doubt that there was uncertainty amongst Protestants , which could be traced directly to recent comments by British ministers .
11 Conceptual arguments in favour of employment deconcentration can be traced originally to the need to decant industry from over-congested conurbations to adjacent market towns ( Woods , 1968 ) and then to an acceptance that the extreme population concentrations of older industrial societies was neither economically necessary or inevitable ( Commins , 1978 ) .
12 To expect a full grammatical statement of BSL after a research history which can be traced only to the mid-70s , would have been optimistic in the extreme .
13 It is rare for a tribe to spend more than a few months in any one place ; consequently , any rug that is unfinished when the tribe moves has to be fastened tightly to the loom and transported in its entirety to the next encampment .
14 If no other provision is made , ordinary Government Bills ( and other Public Bills ) will be referred automatically to a standing committee .
15 The only parts of the Home Support Project which were not clearly understood at first were ( a ) its method of obtaining clients ( it was sometimes thought that any dementia sufferer in the borough could be referred directly to the development officer ) , and ( b ) the fact that the development officers could not step in immediately the psychogeriatrician referred a client to the project , but had to wait until the research assessment had been carried out ( which would confirm the client 's eligibility for the project service ) .
16 So it wo n't necessarily be that patients from er a G P surgery or a G P practice will be referred directly to the local hospital .
17 This subject is an area of contention and any problems should be referred initially to your Manager .
18 The early and later work of Bernstein is obviously important here , but some attention should be given also to the work of U.S. investigators in related fields .
19 Notice must be given also to the court with a certificate that notice has been given to the other parties .
20 ‘ We call for a priority to be given immediately to new legislation which will actively facilitate the re-entry into our society of those at present disadvantaged within it . ’
21 These warranties are likely to be given both to the equity institutional investors and to Newco .
22 Both documents must be given freely to parents of pupils on request and must be made available at the school for reference by parents and others .
23 Support will be given primarily to titles of educational value , with preference for books on science , medicine , agriculture , the environment , business and technology .
24 Still pleading competition and the greater suitability of women for keyboard work , they proposed first that machines henceforward be given alternately to men and women workers ; or , a further concession , that all new machines be given to men until there were 50 per cent worked by each sex , and attributed alternately thereafter .
25 This feeling of being addressed in a special , understanding way does not happen with the best children 's theatre , and greater credit could be given even to a young audience , with less recourse to pantomime-like delineation of character .
26 Should charcoal be given indiscriminately to every patient who has swallowed a poison ?
27 No reason has to be given either to her present doctor or to the one to whom she wishes to change , but undoubtedly it can facilitate the change-over and make the new doctor more likely to be willing to accept her if she has some sensible but low-key reason ready should there be any query .
28 Such rights may also place restrictions on the future running and conduct of the target 's business and consideration may have to be given either to modifying these or buying out or repaying the relevant rights or loans .
29 Subject to certain conditions , the council 's flats would be given away to those who currently occupied them .
30 Around 50 congressmen have supported a resolution by House of Representatives majority leader , the Democrat Richard Gephardt , which warns that under the Dunkel plan , " national sovereignty to set domestic environmental , health , safety and labour standards will be given away to foreign countries " .
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