Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] that [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time , however , it should be recognized that not all parties retain their vitality , or even survive at all , that new parties emerge , and may quickly become powerful , as happened with the socialist parties in Europe , and that parties may change their character and their policies without necessarily changing their names .
2 However , it should be realised that double glazed windows are not completely immune to the formation of condensation — this is especially true in steamy bathrooms .
3 However , it should be emphasized that even in the East End a large majority of the native host population were anti-fascist .
4 It should be emphasized that not all the research findings were so gloomy and critical : the studies found much evidence of good decisions and good practice which were appreciated by parents .
5 While crime overall has been increasing , it must be emphasized that both the reality and the fear of victimization are considerably greater in some areas than others .
6 From the results reported in Table II and the correlation in Figure 2 , it can be calculated that about 50% of the observed change in fluid transport was mediated via the ENS , when net fluid absorption had stopped .
7 However it should be recalled that even if an obligation of confidence is held to exist the grant of an injunction is in the discretion of the court .
8 Solihull teachers were strongly so , but it should be recalled that only a relatively small proportion of them had had any direct experience of the process .
9 It will be recalled that only secondary teachers had been involved in the survey in Solihull .
10 It will be recalled that by and large this body of legislation provides that such warranties are to be implied into the relevant contracts unless the contract itself expresses a contrary intention .
11 First , it is evident that the broad public interest criteria which are identified in the Fair Trading Act 1973 and the Competition Act 1980 , and the existence of the ‘ gateways ’ in the Restrictive Trades Practices Act 1976 , potentially ( and in practice ) permit issues to be considered that either have little or nothing to do with economic efficiency , or are more properly the concern of other areas of policy .
12 And if so , it is devoutly to be wished that both his SNP and Liberal Democrat opponents in North Aberdeen at the next election will together ensure that his constituents are reminded of their sitting member 's fundamental disagreement with his own party 's long-established policy on this key constitutional question .
13 It may interest you to be reminded that around 1911 a rather similar crisis was facing the newly emerging car industry .
14 Therefore it might be expected that up to 20% of winters will produce Arctic ozone holes for doubled CO 2 conditions .
15 If this does occur it would be expected that more than one member of the same family would be infected and that the same strain of H pylori would be present in more than one member of the same family .
16 Although it might be expected that only the better-educated and wealthier sections of the community would watch television , the existence of the extended family system meant that the television sets owned by prosperous Zambians were also watched by a number of relatives who were less well off .
17 If the function of the leave requirement is to weed out unarguable or vexatious cases it might be expected that only a small proportion of cases would fail at this stage .
18 It should not be forgotten that only the endowed chantries were confiscated under the Chantries Act ; the guilds still continued but more as funeral clubs than intercessionary fraternities .
19 It should be stressed that not all organisations pay for such ‘ look-see ’ trips and a number rely on providing a thorough briefing in the home country .
20 It should be stressed that even when the war was going badly for England , the partnership secured profits , which remained in England , even although the gains ultimately passed to other hands than those of the partners .
21 It should be stressed that both Mrs Kent and Mr Burrell did considerably more work than they were paid for .
22 It might be objected that even though some criminal laws are in the interests of the dominant class and that others which are obviously not in these interests are ineffectively enforced , thus making them dead-letter laws , it still remains true that laws proscribing those types of victimizing behaviours of which we are all too aware and which set the nerve-ends of neo-classical/conservative criminologists , such as Wilson ( 1975 ) and Morgan ( 1978 ) tingling with fear and loathing , are in all our interests .
23 It could be objected that too much onus is being placed on the contribution of the adult .
24 It can not be claimed that even as much testing as was possible of the information retrieval systems during the Resource Centre Project has been applied to the discussion in these subsequent pages .
25 By the mid-1950s , moreover , with technical progress and economies of scale expected to reduce the capital cost of future generating plant below typical early 1950s levels ( see pp. 111–22 , below ) , a respectable case could be made that eventually historic average costs would come into line with replacement costs .
26 Perhaps it may now be accepted that so long as a historian is acting as a historian , his criteria must arise from his own study and must not be imported from some other autonomous field .
27 It will be seen that not all these nine items are of equal weight .
28 It can thus be seen that both in this chapter and in the closely related one on adult education which follows , the Report addresses English professors and teaching staff not so much as professionals but as responsible public figures ; as socially concerned part-time and even voluntary preachers functioning to disseminate a national culture .
29 It can be seen that both more remote areas and parts of the more accessible countryside are included .
30 For these features have only to be noticed for it to be seen that very considerable scope exists for denying or undermining the exercise of the right .
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