Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] that [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , it must be recognized that Duck was psychologically fragile and might have collapsed even in ideal circumstances .
2 It is perhaps disappointing to note that over a quarter of the total sample fell into this latter category , and it may be emphasized that staff in libraries of all sizes have training needs .
3 There were no significant differences in the present study between the never and the previously married although it might be expected that people with children might be less likely to go into a home than those without any and the widowed , divorced , or separated are much more likely to have children than the single : 75 per cent compared with 6 per cent .
4 It 's of course only to be expected that people should moan about the tax they 've got to pay and people always complain that it seems to go up every year .
5 On the contrary , it is to be expected that sales to and purchases from customers will leave individual market makers holding more or less of particular stocks than they would choose .
6 It can be seen that data were collected at referral for all those who agreed initially to take part in the project .
7 It can be said that works of this kind — and there are many other possible examples begin more evidently from the actual art and culture in question , and can thus be assigned to history or criticism .
8 It should also be said that people of influence , who have n't put it in writing , also openly agreed with the placing of a bolt .
9 In all fairness it must of course also be said that people who are familiar with Christian orders of service find this same collection of words extremely comforting and helpful precisely because they are familiar and mean a great deal to them .
10 It could be argued that people in our region have actually lost confidence in their water , they 've suffered from cryptospyridia , blue-green algae , we 're now in a drought period , how would you reassure the public ?
11 However , in light of what has been said earlier , it should not be thought that data materials , to call them that , are always restricted to one study , or that the study which originally produced them is their only home .
12 It should be noted that data on the ethnic origin of babies who died of the sudden infant death syndrome are collected only in certain areas , and the definitions used are inconsistent , being based either on mother 's country of birth or her own report of her ethnicity .
13 It must be assumed that people who test antibody positive , still have HIV infection , are infectious and could pass the virus on to others .
14 It should not be assumed that people do not care whose sandwiches they are buying in a BR buffet .
15 However , at present it must not be assumed that sales always produce immediate problems .
16 It is to be hoped that data become available to permit this type of forecast for the whole of HE .
17 " Let it not be imagined that grouse are an easy quarry for any hawk to take .
18 It should be stated that 99% of the SVR passengers took the disruptions in their stride , especially when locomotives came out of rostered order to the advertised timetable coupled with the tropical downpour all day .
19 ‘ It can not be over-emphasised that statistics , if these are to have any meaning , should be gathered by those who know the churches well and who are concerned that the statistics reveal the truth .
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