Example sentences of "[be] [verb] is [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is fundamental to causal explanation that comparisons are made between instances where the thing to be explained is present and instances where it is absent .
2 Whether either of these claims can be sustained is doubtful .
3 Yeah the T V could do with a few big ones , alright okay body stopper , they want you to have a T V on and be tempted , depends on what , how it went , to ask them to turn it off but if you ca n't that would upon them then you 'll have to work with it because what you do n't want to be seeing is okay they are there , you 're here and they 're concentrating on this .
4 So far as radiation is concerned , the major factor to be examined is cross-country variation in natural exposure , from radon and such-like .
5 What has to be examined is transferable expertise , both in the practical and the theoretical senses of the term .
6 A large investment conglomerate replying to the survey suggested that the main advantage of employing headhunters occurred ‘ when the position to be filled is sensitive internally and externally ’ .
7 It appears that the type of injury which must be foreseen is serious injury and if that is so , the statement that indifference to any harm to health or welfare was sufficient ( Stone & Dobinson [ 1977 ] QB 754 ) is incorrect in the light of authorities from the 1980s .
8 A child is not to be taken as having a learning difficulty solely because the language ( or form of the language ) in which he is or will be taught is different from a language ( or from of language ) which has at any time been spoken in the house .
9 How far the private sector will be prepared to finance " special needs " housing where the return on capital is likely to be limited is doubtful , as also is the Government 's commitment to make up any shortfall .
10 Prior approval is not required ( except in SSSIs and National Parks in the UK , but then not from the Agriculture Department ) and in assessing schemes financially , MAFF has disregarded the fact that it has in the past contributed 50–70% of the scheme 's cost and that a high proportion of the profit to be earned is public money in the form of HLCAs .
11 The average number of casting faults which had to be repaired is well over twice as high in the alloy heads as in the copper ones .
12 though the contract is not in itself unlawful , the purpose for which it is made or for which the subject matter is to be applied is unlawful or the intended method of performance is unlawful ; or
13 How the distinction is to be made is unclear .
14 However , how such a judgement can be made is controversial .
15 That such a choice between working emotionally or technically can be made is useful for teachers to be aware of .
16 The relevant circumstance for purposes of the comparison required by section 5(3) to be made is expected unavailability at the material time ( p 30 ) .
17 To let the fastening buckle be seen is social suicide .
18 But , if the entire republic is slowly being submerged , individual citizens can not afford to ignore their collective fate because , in the end , they all drown together if nothing is done ; and again , as with Venice , what needs to be done is far beyond the powers of any one individual .
19 The rejoinder must be : although we may generally have neither the time nor the inclination to look at literary language under the microscope in this way , the fact that it can be done is important , and the doing of it can not fail to sharpen observation , by making us aware of how larger effects are built up from smaller ones .
20 Many have written on testing prophecy and really what needs to be done is common sense .
21 All that remains to be said is Happy Christmas and good wishes for a New Knitting Year !
22 If it requires that the person to be taxed is resident in the United Kingdom that condition of residence would not be satisfied if one or more of the trustees is not resident in the United Kingdom .
23 Turning things over at random and hoping to stumble on the sought object usually works when the space to be searched is small .
24 Choosing the directories to be searched is simple .
25 The question of how goals are to be met is independent of the statement of the goals themselves .
26 The inference to be drawn is obvious ; regrouping is necessary and the longer the fateful day of decision is delayed , the greater the likelihood that the established geoscience groups will capture those limited resources .
27 It is clear that a comprehensive review of both the variables to be included in the deprivation index and the level of disaggregation to be used is necessary and Hobcraft 's call for more work in this area in chapter 9 , is timely .
28 There are , however , two limitations : the thickness of the paper which can be used , and the fact that if the cost is not to be prohibitive , the only colour ink which can be used is black .
29 The method to be used is face-to-face interviews with accountants ; accountants have been chosen because of their knowledge of the tax system , the likelihood that they pay high marginal tax rates and their familiarity with quantitative measurement ; as well as their own reaction to the tax changes they will be asked about the reactions of their clients .
30 However , the range which can be used is amazing .
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