Example sentences of "[be] [verb] in place " in BNC.

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1 Very often the fossil bones may be broken in place by slight earth movements but with the pieces of bone still lined up with each other , only to fall apart during later transport or during excavation .
2 It being reported to this Meeting that the Peck Measures of the different corners of Islay do not agree in size , & that many of them are deficient of the Legal Standard Measure of this Country-In order to remedy this evil it is recommended that in place of the Heaped Peck commonly used that a streak measure answering exactly to the standard measure of Islay shou 'd be substituted in place of the Heap measure , & in order to carry this Resolution into Execution the Meeting do hereby appoint the following Committee … it is earnestly recommended to these Gentlemen to have the different Pecks of the different Parishes brought to the proper Streak measure , and to have these pecks Branded with Shawfield 's Iron , and this being once done it is recommended to the said Committee to cause publish at the Parish Churches that if any person within their Bounds shall Sell or Buy with any other peck than the Peck so ascertained & stamped , that they shall be Fined at the discretion of the Baron Baillie of Islay
3 I rang the club I was appearing at and informed the Con-Sec that Marta Cane would be appearing in place of Zoe Bond who was ill .
4 With either of these two methods , the pipe can either be mortared in place ( using a 2:1 sand:cement mix ) or fitted with a special adaptor to seal the joint .
5 Green peppercorns can be used in place of the more traditional black for Steak au poivre , and also look most attractive when used sparingly with fish .
6 The World Health Organisation 's recipe for ORS included an alternative basic salt , namely trisodium citrate , which may be used in place of the sodium bicarbonate ( as given in Table 1 ) .
7 Rabbit skin glue ( one part glue to 12 parts water , leave to soak , then warm in a double boiler ) , can be used in place of the gum .
8 There are all kinds of giveaway which could be used in place of product samples .
9 Other media could be used in place of the ceramic sponges and Hex-Nodes if required ( though I 'm sure Hagen would n't recommend this ) , but all other media sections come in standard units to fit the Bio Life .
10 Rice-cakes ( a rice crispbread ) can be used in place of bread .
11 The most immediate change you will notice with DOS 5 is the DOS shell interface which , if you choose , can be used in place of the C : > prompt to execute DOS commands and run programs .
12 However , we were not keen for housing benefit to be used in place of housing support for care , which is properly the provision of income support .
13 Real estate taxes , inheritance and gift taxes and environment taxes were also to be introduced in place of the previous system of " profits taxes " — levied on state-owned industry — and turnover taxes .
14 Tostada shells may be served in place of potatoes .
15 Where vaned cowls are to be replaced , it is not advisable for them to be fixed in place , not only for the sake of authenticity , but also to simplify maintenance .
16 It will most probably be fixed in place with two screws and a number of plastic clips .
17 Eurotunnel , which is already in default of its credit agreement with the banks , has in effect been given until the end of the year to settle its differences with the contractors to permit ‘ a viable financing strategy to be put in place ’ .
18 what monitoring systems should be put in place to assess whether more efficient health care provision has been secured as a result of the White Paper ?
19 Finally , a monitoring system needs to be put in place to see that the work specified in the contract has been undertaken to the required standard within the agreed financial amount .
20 Many of the right kinds of incentives will be put in place , but will decision-makers respond by carefully considering their options within an economic evaluation framework , or will by respond in a more ad hoc manner ?
21 Louis Sherwood asserts in his chairman 's report that ‘ the directors are confident that satisfactory new arrangements will be put in place well before that time ’ .
22 ‘ We 're not laying claim to a social plan just for the pleasure of doing one , but because we believe accompanying measures must be put in place and the occasion must be seized to explore all possible avenues towards preserving the maximum employment , ’ the representative is quoted as saying .
23 These controls could be put in place through legislation or indirectly through the expansion of tightly managed care plans that in turn monitor use of technology .
24 These solutions could be put in place with or without the implementation of a managed competition system .
25 The reason for this move was not , of course , to haul the Red Rose positioning train , but to be put in place to pull a private charter train .
26 The reason for the change is the huge increase in the output of children 's books — in 1970 just over 2,000 titles were published , last year just over 7,000 — and the organisers have now decided that a new method of selection should be put in place .
27 additional provision which might be put in place
28 SCOTVEC is notified in advance of the intention to use an alternative language so that appropriate quality assurance and certification processes can be put in place ;
29 ‘ Effective collection systems should also be put in place to ensure that the levy is collected from any income earners , particularly the self-employed professionals and farmers ’ .
30 The Government sees that it is more accountable for the individual tenants to pay their Council Tax directly to the local authority rather than to the landlord and unfortunately no agency arrangements can be put in place that would allow this .
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