Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Machines , computers , materials of all kinds , and labour all have to be blended together to enable the production system to carry out its operations in a cost-effective way .
2 At this stage the Collector seemed to be sparing only occupied beds and charpoys , his own desk and chair , and the Louis XVI table from the drawing-room .
3 Managers in Surrey sent letters to all their ambulance workers threatening to use outside contractors to carry out non-emergency work and refused to guarantee that they would be withdrawn once deployed .
4 He opened his mouth to make an acid retort , and then remembered that the sura which permitted captives to be enslaved also went to considerable lengths to provide laws for their welfare .
5 flexibility , which implies that the computer simulation model can be altered easily to take account of changes in circumstances or to allow modelling of a different system .
6 Each eye has only a narrow field of view , but it can be swivelled independently to scan over a hemisphere .
7 Walesa signed a bill to revalue pensions on Nov. 8 , but announced that the law was to be amended immediately to reduce the number of people whose pensions would be cut as a result .
8 In 1984 it had to be amended further to follow the Euro-notion of ‘ equal pay for work of equal value ’ whereby the pay of women occupying jobs without immediate male comparison is set equal to men 's through the opinion of a judge rather than the operation of market forces .
9 Benn promised that the first thing he would do when returning home would be to go straight to see Michael Watson .
10 Yeah I would 've thought it was the job of the national account executive or whoever it may be to go there do the business , find out what 's what and apportion that out to wherever it 's most appropriate either to the field sales or or to whatever , because
11 John Ritchie , Staff Development TVEI Co-ordinator , has now followed up the audit by inviting all schools in identify developments that should be undertaken centrally to allow these gaps to be filled .
12 Relatives who are carers may also find that the requirement for professional support to be given locally infringes on their own rights to privacy .
13 The most important principle of insulin therapy in the insulin-dependent patient is that insulin must be given regularly to inhibit lipolysis and prevent ketosis .
14 In the home computer market speech synthesis is generally used to enhance games ; scores are read out and warnings of enemy attack can be given verbally leaving the player free to concentrate on the tactics of the game .
15 I take this opportunity to say that not only that ship but our collaboration in relation to the French frigate and the type 23 frigate orders which will be given shortly show our commitment to naval orders .
16 One last example may be given here to demonstrate the dangers of biographers copying each other 's errors .
17 The controversies and speculations will no doubt continue for many years to come and only the briefest notes will be given here to suggest some of the possibilities , without prejudice but also with realism .
18 WHS has also published 20,000 50-page anthologies or ‘ samplers ’ , chapters from each of the seven featured novels , which will be given away free to customers .
19 If the answer to the pursuer 's case is that the fault for the accident rests wholly or partly with someone else , consideration should be given now to service of a Third Party Notice by which that other party blamed can be brought into the action .
20 Our study showed that constipated children <2 years of age responded better to treatment than children >2 years of age , supporting the conclusion by Clayden that treatment should be given early to prevent development of severe constipation or faecal soiling , or both .
21 With government borrowing having soared to £28 billion this year , and underlying concern that public finances are in a worse state than has been acknowledged , Mr Portillo 's priority will be to curb further increases in public expenditure .
22 Wind shielding : the burner design gives the flame good protection and the case lid 's stiff hinges allow it to be propped upright giving some extra protection ( assuming the pot does not get in the way ) .
23 Yet the very specially acute sense of deprivation found in the shorter of the two versions to be examined here argues the recognition of the possibility of the presence of just such joy ; " absence is not non-existence , and we are therefore entitled to repeat , " " come , come , come , come : " " " and both Rolle 's meditations on the Passion are such powerful works precisely because he enacts a sense of the gap between the body of sin and the joy of God and a longing to close it through penitence and love .
24 When fine materials are present it is necessary to separate them by wet sieving so that sands and the silt/clay fraction may be examined separately using different size determination techniques .
25 The moral to be drawn from these examples is that apparent compatibility of readings must not be too hastily accepted as proof of generality : each case must be examined carefully to determine whether there are special factors preventing the appearance of zeugma .
26 Similarly there is no assumption that repeated use of a ruler in 4c is more demanding than single use of it in 4b , but this and similar instances need to be examined empirically to see if the task differences concerned are also difficulty factors .
27 In future , core samples will have to be examined microscopically to determine the likelihood of failure , but development of the new test is not yet complete and will not be available until summer at the earliest .
28 Their use of subterfuge can be justified only to obtain material which ought to be published in the public interest and could not be obtained by other means .
29 Millions of pounds which should be spent on health , education and investment will be diverted merely to restore what had existed until the IRA struck .
30 The motions of such a body can be calculated classically using Newton 's Laws of Motion , if we assume for the moment that the restoring forces in the connections are of the form where χ is a displacement from equilibrium .
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