Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the units to be withdrawn were expected to be sent to join US forces in the Gulf region .
2 The van the teams will be using is provided by Broxhead motors .
3 Fourthly , in setting out the contract which may be oral or written , the activities to be undertaken are sorted out into individual tasks , and allocated between the worker and the client .
4 To say that effects are events which in a fundamental or standard sense can be explained is to say this : there is a possibility of our finding a proposition which fully answers the question of why they occurred .
5 Some indication of the disparities to be explained is contained in Table 2.1 .
6 But to do that would be to risk being enslaved for ever .
7 And the assumption that they can be given is grounded on faith alone .
8 Application is made direct to the Polytechnic and decisions on whether to offer a place and what exemptions are to be given are made by the relevant Field Chairs , using an interview if necessary .
9 Similarly , if a threat that your contract will be broken is withdrawn , you are not entitled to leave subsequently and claim that you have been constructively dismissed .
10 The number of taboos which might unknowingly be broken was terrifying .
11 Nothing here said denies that one reason for holding voluntary undertakings to be binding is to enable people to encourage reliance by committing themselves to a course of action .
12 The more relevant LIFESPAN forms and outputs you will be seeing are shown in Figure 2.4 .
13 The region where the new solar system is to be formed is fortified by the particulate remains of the supernova , now charged with cosmic and X-rays , and other energy waves .
14 But it has one redeeming feature , for the claim that paperwork needs to be completed is used as an excuse to avoid other types of police work which are disliked even more .
15 Her claims to be heard are based on her spiritual topic matter and the historical accident that she writes at a time when she believes more has been revealed about the divine and therefore she possesses ‘ more information ’ than previously .
16 Ten years ago , applications for cases to be heard were dealt with relatively swiftly , but a dramatic increase in their work load has produced a situation where despite the appointment of more judges to the Official Referee 's court , applicants are having to wait up to two or three years to have their cases heard .
17 Not only do horoscopes determine the suitability of a partner for an arranged marriage , even the date that the couple should be joined is left to the astrologer 's discretion .
18 The two pieces of knitting to be joined are replaced on the needles .
19 The two pieces to be joined are replaced on the needles with the right sides of the fabric together .
20 In the figure , the main information to be recalled is shown in block letters , while the logical relationships are shown in lower case letters at the nodes ( joining points ) of the lines .
21 The taxa in which organisms may be placed are recognised by international agreement , and the chief ones are : Kingdom , Phylum , Class , Order , Family , Genus and Species .
22 Transport was a major consideration in the choice , as about 60 per cent of wastes to be treated are expected to come from British Nuclear Fuel 's nearby Sellafield plant .
23 Even events which we would never passivize in English because they involve only one participant and therefore can not ‘ logically ’ be passivized are expressed in passive structures in these languages if they are unpleasant , for example ‘ I was died on by my father ’ in Japanese .
24 During sortal filtering , sorts are associated with variables by applying these constraints , any logical form structures containing a variable to which no consistent sort can be assigned are ruled out .
25 That there were many factors to be considered is shown by the fact that in 1880 the depression was only just beginning to be felt by industry , while it had already hit agriculture badly .
26 The techniques to be considered are listed in Table 8.1 .
27 Errors which may be reported are described in Appendix B.
28 ‘ I have felt for a long time that the only way this issue was going to be resolved was to have it fixed on a political level — that it would n't just fade away .
29 Appeals by defence lawyers for the charges to be dropped were rejected by the prosecution , and federal judge Royce Lamberth , who had presided over the initial trial , set Oct. 19 as the date for George 's re-trial .
30 Summarizing Foucault 's account in volume ii of The History of Sexuality of how in ancient Greece homosexual passivity was regarded with suspicion , even though homosexuality as such was accepted and even glorified , Bersani concludes : ‘ To be penetrated is to abdicate power ’ ( ‘ Is the Rectum a Grave ? , 222 , 211 — 12 , his emphasis ) .
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