Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The sequel was the War Powers Act ( 1973 ) under which the President had to inform Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces abroad ; in addition the forces had to be withdrawn unless the action was formally authorized by Congress .
2 An appeal can not be withdrawn or the grounds amended without the leave of the court .
3 Some cover may be withdrawn as the insurance company sees it as a greater risk .
4 Even if both agreed the issue might not be withdrawn if the tribunal objected .
5 In the former case there is no express threat of proceedings to be withdrawn if the defendant pays up promptly because he believes himself to be liable .
6 They were some of the first cars to be withdrawn when the fleet was modernised , and they were scrapped in 1934 .
7 Members of the Company put their money down on a separate basis for a distinct and limited series of enterprises ; profits from the voyage would be divided in proportion to capital invested , but capital as well as dividends could be withdrawn when the enterprises were complete and all the goods brought back had been sold off .
8 The last sentence was the cue for Miss Horsbrugh to announce to the House of Commons in April that the 10% Cut would be withdrawn and a Committee of Enquiry into adult education established instead .
9 Occupation troops would be withdrawn and the Korean police force streamlined .
10 Initially half of the 46,000 French troops stationed in Germany would be withdrawn and the French government gave a commitment to withdraw all its forces ( except the 2,800 troops in Berlin and the 3,000-strong Franco-German brigade ) .
11 Er I hope that makes the matter clear , because when we come to make a decision on this group of amendments , er when I er seek the opinion of the er Committee on my Amendment five , I shall only be seeking agreement to Amendment five and its related amendments er eight and eleven and if the Noble Lord , Lord er if , if the House were er to disagree with my Amendment or if it were to be withdrawn and the Noble Lord , Lord amendment were , were put , I think he would agree that it would only tha that that a decision by the Committee would only relate to the amendments in his name because we have in fact four alternatives before us which we are debating together .
12 Will further funds be withdrawn and the company allowed to fail with loss of jobs , or will it be supported as a ‘ lame-duck ’ reintroducing many of the industrial problems of the UK of the 1970s ?
13 Paying all pre-payments into a trust account from which they can not be withdrawn until the package has been provided .
14 This is achieved in the following way : first calculate the mean of the two adjacent values — the skip mean — thus skipping the middle value ; then calculate the mean of the value to be smoothed and the skip mean .
15 Wall-mounted spotlights are useful , but the ability to reposition the light slightly as well as alter the direction of the beam is especially desirable as it enables different features to be highlighted as the seasons change .
16 and the next night he 'll be kipping and the other one I 'll be working and that 's how they used to go on and it eventually , that 's why it was ten English worker 's to one Japanese because of that reason
17 The prognosis must be guarded and the owner informed that a proportion of these animals may not recover while others may remain permanently stunted .
18 The Oval 1984. it might be raining but a ‘ blackwash ’ is not far away .
19 It would be diagnosed if the person complains of or shows such things as : poor appetite and weight loss ; disturbed sleep pattern ; loss of energy and an inability to experience pleasure ; feelings of guilt and self-reproach ; difficulty in concentrating ; suicidal thoughts ; and behaviour that is very greatly slowed down or , alternatively , agitated and restless .
20 At Bury St Edmunds the franchise was vested in the thirty-seven members of the corporation , but the complexion of the electorate could only be altered when a vacancy occurred naturally in their ranks .
21 Before leaving randomizing algorithms , it should be made clear that the treatment of them here is based on the assumption that the file size , once created , can only be altered when the file is reorganized .
22 The Museums and Galleries Commission is hoping that these considerations will lead the Charity Commissioners to reconsider their decision under the cy-pres ( i.e. next best thing ) provision of the 1960 Charities Act , which allows a charitable bequest or trust to be altered where the original stipulation is no longer relevant .
23 In universities , educational technologists have sometimes seemed to be suggesting that a mixture of cinema , television and self-instructional systems could make possible economies in the teacher-student ratio .
24 In looking at the first of these it must be recognized that no map , however detailed or carefully compiled , can perfectly represent the ‘ ground truth ’ , while in the second instance , the digitizing process merely serves to compound the errors present in the original map ( Poiker 1982 ; Blakemore 1984 ) .
25 Moreover , it needs to be recognized that a rational , ‘ value-free ’ analysis can not exist in a pluralistic society or that it would please no one if attempted ( Clapham , 1984 ) , unless an action could be shown to benefit all stakeholders .
26 It should also be recognized that the working class was an extremely diverse social group and that it was fragmented and variegated .
27 However , it has to be recognized that the whole concept of conservation areas would never have become established in many places without a willingness by local authorities to accept development behind facades .
28 Having regard to the causes , it has to be recognized that the conditions that lead one plant to canker are also putting others to the same pressure , so look to your overall cultivation methods .
29 It may be recognized that the terms in the brackets represent the potentials due to the other two charges .
30 Alternatively , and conversely , it may be recognized that the end goal will not be achieved without a period of turbulence , and the pace of change may actually be accelerated , to get it over as quickly as possible .
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