Example sentences of "[be] [adj] make [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would be absurd to make high claims for the international morality of the later seventeenth and eighteenth centuries .
2 If the basis were significantly positive just prior to the delivery day , it would be possible to make substantial arbitrage profits by selling futures contracts and at the same time buying the underlying cash market goods in order to deliver them to the buyers of the contracts .
3 If you care for a relative or close friend on a long-term basis and feel unable to return to full-time work it may still be possible to make alternative arrangements in order to work for one or more days or nights a week .
4 ‘ On the table for guests to help themselves , so it would n't be possible to make sure that Sir Thomas 's portion was poisoned , would it ?
5 I have also been asked whether it would be possible to make partial exemption orders under section 48(1) of the Shops Act .
6 Nevertheless , in areas where a carbonate platform is developed , as in N.E. England and the southern North Sea , a similar model to that applied to Z2 and Z3 Carbonates presumably can be used , and it should be possible to make tentative predictions of porosity distribution from isopach maps ( Fig. 4a ) .
7 Where courses are offered at only one teaching centre , it would be possible to make significant progress by initially devolving responsibility for assessment only to the college , while maintaining for the time being central control of the course content .
8 On the basis of such genre-specific descriptions of ‘ topic-shift ’ markers , it should be possible to make linguistic , as opposed to literary , statements about the structure of English written discourse which reflect the writer 's purpose .
9 It may even be possible to make neat little ‘ scale-model ’ houses from normal wood , transport them cheaply around the country , and then ‘ puff ’ them up to final size on site .
10 Also , be prepared to make drastic changes in your occupation .
11 senior officers must be free to make critical decisions without fear of potential negligence claims from subordinate officers .
12 Do n't be afraid to make good use of filler and stain to patch up the odd failure .
13 When you 're getting outside the family you 've got to be careful to make sure that they are people that are prepared to do the job , that they understand what 's involved because you can not force anyone to be an executor .
14 So be careful to make sure you find your number on the timetable and know where you 're going and who you 're going to be with .
15 It may be easier to make long-term decisions about the best size and type of steel mill if a simultaneous decision is taken on the level of car production to which steel output forms an important input .
16 Consequently , it would be foolish to make drastic changes in energy policy until it is clear that there is danger .
17 In many cases it will be impossible to make sufficient disclosure at the commencement of the relationship as material information which has to be disclosed will not be known and can not be predicted until a particular conflict arises .
18 Should you wish to view our lodges again , however , please do not hesitate to contact me on ( 03397 ) 55558 and I will be delighted to make alternative arrangements for you .
19 A defamatory meaning is one which , in the circumstances of publication , would be likely to make reasonable and respectable people think less of the plaintiff .
20 The following exercises can be useful to make conscious , clarify , and hopefully resolve finely balanced internal debates .
21 Yes : ‘ I wonder if it might not be helpful to make clear to a lay reader what precisely the connection was between Socrates and Plato . ’
22 But it will be important to make sure that the constitution of this agency , and its terms of reference , set out how it will harness the skills and resources of the financial institutions while keeping its direction firmly and independently in the hands of educationists .
23 Customers will be able to make essential calls free of charge .
24 Obviously , these tigers have to be able to make regular contact with each other , yet there are very few reserves that satisfy this requirement .
25 The worst offenders are some of the Eastern European countries , who are unlikely to be able to make substantial financial contributions .
26 But doing your homework properly you will at least be able to make sure that the odds are in your favour . ’
27 With parliament 's morale in freefall , however , Mr Yeltsin should be able to make sure that does not happen .
28 I think we have salvaged the L M S Scheme in and when we get a national Labour Government we 'll be able to make sure that it protects , it protects , those children with special needs , those children from socially deprived backgrounds in this city and protects our most experienced teachers .
29 ‘ We are also hoping to extend the study to Europe and the US so that eventually , by the end of 1994 , we will be able to make international comparisons .
30 Perhaps , as the poem goes on I shall be able to make various things clearer .
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