Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [coord] [be] " in BNC.

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1 There is also the problem that the researcher 's observations can be subjective and are difficult to record in a systematic way .
2 Hill goes on : ‘ I also have to state that I am staggered at the amount of money that appears to be owing and am at a loss to understand how such a situation has been reached .
3 Unless any cash payment is passing which is required by the husband for the purchase of another property , a contract would appear to be unnecessary and is certainly not required if the transaction is to be carried out following a court order ( whether by consent or otherwise ) as application can always be made to the court for the terms of the order to be carried out ( see Chapter 8 ) .
4 The consequences of this activity will be far-reaching and are being watched by other countries with interest , since the Panel is the first creation of its kind in the world .
5 However , the theme which deserves more attention is the basic argument of the article : the author is claiming not to be prejudiced and is attributing prejudice to those who oppose the National Front .
6 So perhaps the underlying philosophy is I win you lose yeah ? me , I 'm gon na win and gon na be loud and be aggressive , I 'm gon na stand over you , I 'm gon na stand very close to you , I 'm gon na point my finger at ya , I 'm gon na stare at you .
7 It is advisable to wear loose , comfortable clothing , although if you have come straight from work this may not be possible and is not essential .
8 Detailed studies on the neurohormonal regulation of these two putative Na + /H + exchangers should now be possible and are awaited with interest .
9 The experiment gave every indication that this would be possible and was a great technical success — but when the elected representatives were asked to agree a city-wide scheme , they voted against it .
10 It was highly embarrassing , a sort of indelicacy , to stand on the platform surrounded by a crowd of males who had to be polite but were obviously not in the mood for feminine society .
11 It appeared to be British and was probably one of the highly mobile units known as Jock ’ columns which were used to carry out harassing attacks on the German flanks .
12 The research will be theoretical but is designed to throw light on important practical issues and , it is hoped , will provide a framework for future empirical research .
13 Only after receiving assurances that the Emperor would neither be embarrassed nor be expected to apologize for atrocities committed by Japanese forces did Miyazawa consent to the visit .
14 Consent may be express but is usually implied .
15 The Summer Ale is designed to be light and is only about 3.6 per cent alcohol .
16 If this is accepted , then certainly in the simple cases of pure shear the extension should be acceptable and be capable of experimental test .
17 So be careful and be reasonable .
18 They certainly did object to the proposed changes , but they did so in terms of where it is right that the inset boundary should be placed , and as far as I 'm aware there are no references in any objections to the wider question of whether or not the village should be washed-over or be inset .
19 Where once Hammett and Chandler bestrode the world of Californian crime and corruption like colossuses , now private-eyes like Joseph Hansen 's Dave Brandstetter ( who happens to be homosexual but is otherwise completely in the classic pattern ) an Robert B. Parker 's Spenser ( who happens to work in Boston and be a gourmet cook ) work their contemporary beats in almost exactly the old way .
20 All right , I am going to be brave and am going to talk about failure .
21 Be Young , Be Foolish But Be Happy was a smash , her great new single , You To Me Are Everything is bounding up the charts and her new album , Sonia looks set to do the same .
22 Engineers like their materials to be consistent and are not too deeply interested in reasons , so they encouraged the idea that each material has a characteristic strength which could be determined accurately , once for all , if only one did enough tests .
23 The distinction between individuals in government and the senior civil service , banks and corporations is often more blurred than in western countries , and therefore this elite tends to form a coherent and powerful set of economic interests , ( although these may be contradictory and are usually very diverse ) and are not only represented in government but often are the government .
24 He is believed to be honest and is known for his involvement in the army-backed project for ‘ Green Esarn ’ .
25 Yet in an earlier publication , in which the term was first coined , he and his colleagues used it to describe ‘ pain [ which ] ceases to be relieved or is worsened by further administration ’ of morphine or diamorphine ( our italics ) .
26 I think it right to bear in mind the evidence of Mr a solicitor now specializing in re-habilitation work who is himself alas wheelchair bound , erm , he has directly relevant experience and he expressed the view that er two ramps leading up to the vehicle from the rear could be unsafe and were in his view generally less satisfactory than the platform with which the conversion equips the Nissan Serena , in those circumstances it seems to me I really have no choice but to er adopt the alternative of the conversion and er there is an agreed figure of thirty nine thousand , eight hundred and sixty six pounds in relation to that .
27 Police say the man may be dangerous and are warning women to keep their car doors locked when travelling alone .
28 It can be uncomfortable but is not painful .
29 Thus the golist must be machine-stored and is used by the computer in the assignment of index terms .
30 Also I 'd like to be taller and be able to afford to spend more money on clothes that would ‘ express my personality ’ .
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