Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] being " in BNC.

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1 It means that um particularly in therapy it can be very difficult later on because things that we would ordinarily consider to be supportive like being kind , like erm y'know kind of putting a comforting arm round somebody 's shoulders , like erm y'know ways in which people express support and affection for each-other ah are very very difficult for the survivor to accept because they 're sort of the part of the way in which she , and it usually is a she , has been abused in the past .
2 I ought therefore to be grateful for being disorientated by the unfamiliar and the chance to focus the innocent eye .
3 Having systematically run down and denigrated public services since 1979 , they now expect the country to be grateful for being offered lower standards of service than we used to enjoy , and ones that are derisory in the light of what is enjoyed in many other European countries .
4 The major inhibitions to this process are a natural reserve , the fact that people may not be used to being open about their feelings , a lack of trust caused by limited understanding and , finally , reserve brought about by the relative status of team members , personality and gender issues and a lack of training .
5 ‘ But being a woman and not able to inherit , I suppose she might be used to being a second string .
6 Put him in a coach now and by morning Russell might be used to being close to white people again .
7 Keepers discovered her desperately fighting for life at the West Midlands Safari Park where she had to be hand-reared before being transferred to the Kingsley wildlife sanctuary , Cheshire , where she takes every opportunity to hitch a ride from the resident Bull Terrier bitch .
8 Oh Major I bet he wanted to be right from being a kid , wanted to be prime minister .
9 Understanding this connection between the form and the function of language will help us to explain how stretches of language , like the request for help with the cat , can be coherent without being cohesive ; it will also help us as language teachers .
10 Understanding this connection between the form and the function of language will help us to explain how stretches of language , like the request for help with the cat , can be coherent without being cohesive ; it will also help us as language teachers .
11 Aside from the fact that Jill is quite capable of carrying her own books , her glumness could easily be due to being a young lesbian forced to suppress it and wishing Jack would take his stupid pick-up lines elsewhere .
12 The National Toxics Campaign Fund , a US-based charity says the unexplained illnesses of hundreds of Gulf war veterans may be due to being exposed to radiation from weapons tipped with depleted uranium .
13 Since the interviewer is looking for a reliable , self-confident , honest individual who knows how to be friendly without being irritatingly overfamiliar it is sensible to know some of the basic body language that will work against you as well as what will cause a favourable reaction .
14 Climbers Some climbers are so strong-growing — almost rampant — as to be unsuited to being kept on a lead , restricted and cramped to the confines of arches and pergolas .
15 Do n't filter them out because they seem silly , and do n't be afraid of being wrong .
16 But I expect that will suit you , since you seem to be afraid of being alone with me . ’
17 Surely she could n't suddenly be afraid of being alone ?
18 ‘ Do n't be afraid of being thought a member of the awkward squad : it 's your body , and oestrogen replacement could make all the difference to your present well-being and future health . ’
19 Denis Smith ejoyed great success with York and Sunderland … he 's got a lot of experience and is bound to be interested after being sacked from Bristol City …
20 Denis Smith ejoyed great success with York and Sunderland … he 's got a lot of experience and is bound to be interested after being sacked from Bristol City …
21 If anyone would be interested in being part of a prayer support group for either of our link families could they please contact either Freda Kennedy or Bill Howieson .
22 I ca n't see how we 've had a revue in nineteen eighty-eight which has recommended a very specific course of action , none of which appears to have been implemented , I do n't see how we get a report which describes er , the intention of the county council as maintaining the ethos of the County Farms , whatever that is , as I , I do n't recall any decisions like that , and certainly if we 've made one , I 'd be interested in being party to changing it , I think wha what we have to say is we 've got a lot of land , are we using it to the best interest of the people of Wiltshire , and that is one thing it 's addressing , not a , a way of preserving the County Estates as they are , not a way of keeping a hundred and twenty farmers and their families erm , as tenants of Wiltshire , I mean they 're not gon na be out of jobs are they ?
23 Survival instinct is absolutely incredible , to see the wounds of a terrier and a fox when they have locked jaw locked and are pulled squealing out of a hole , I think I am deeply concerned about anybody here today that can turn that blind eye because what their terrier men are doing is dog fighting , make no bones about it , they wo n't be interested in laying the scent , they will not be interested in being retrained and helping your fraternity .
24 He also ordered that information from the official news agency PAP should be double-checked before being broadcast .
25 These producer 's lives are not easy though : not only is there a constant pressure on TV bosses to axe unprofitable baby programmes , but their lives are a constant struggle to be simple without being simple-minded , to give information without being dull , and to work in one of the most sophisticated media ever invented without losing that childlike sense of wonder .
26 At the studio it becomes apparent that it will not be appropriate to being a class here , and after an hour we leave .
27 A person who is wrongly accused will know that he has not done that of which he is suspected , example , and may be indignant at being the object of suspicion .
28 We can be happier without being happy .
29 Mike Teague ( who now has a knee , as well as a shoulder , injury ) is doubtful but Will Carling , the captain , says he will be fit despite being concussed in Harlequins ' win over London Irish .
30 Mustoe should be fit after being withdrawn at half-time on Saturday when he complained of a groin injury .
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