Example sentences of "[that] [am/are] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Table 15.1 and Fig. 15.1 show current plans , presented in a number of ways that are helpful for policy analysis .
2 Evidence in favour of Honey and Hall 's interpretation comes from examining the conditions that are necessary for the overshadowing effect to emerge in latent inhibition .
3 An article by McClellan , ‘ A systems approach to libraries ’ provides a useful model , suggesting that ‘ library objectives ’ take effect in ‘ book provision policies and book provision organisation ’ , and distinguishing these from the secondary ‘ organisation systems ’ that are necessary for the achievement of primary objectives .
4 But they sell them without an import licence — which is illegal , In practice , the licences are monopolised by the brands ' parent companies , who can afford the extensive clinical trials on the drugs that are necessary for licensing .
5 And your own personal ‘ diata ’ will help you to build up the long term eating habits that are necessary for good health .
6 He may take with him any duly authorised person and any equipment he needs and he may take measurements , photographs and recordings that are necessary for any examination or investigation .
7 The basic theme , topic , or specific subject-matter will be selected , and examined for its facets , concepts and possible sub-units as well as for the skills that are necessary for its full comprehension and others that can be usefully practised within its general ambit .
8 In addition , employing such a model effectively is dependent on the managers ' understanding of a number of important issues : the nature of transformation , the implications of transformational change , the organizational conditions and behavioral changes that are necessary for transformation to succeed , and the challenges and dilemmas that are likely to be encountered .
9 This step consists of identifying in detail what is required to get from here to there : the activities that must be completed , the resources that must be allocated , the relationships that must be in place , the management structures that are necessary for the transition , and the rewards that must exist .
10 Now , what we have to do is organize for ourselves a mechanism whereby , for any particular project , we use the procedures that are necessary for that project .
11 The intelligent beings in these regions should therefore not be surprised if they observe that their locality in the universe satisfies the conditions that are necessary for their existence .
12 Regional government has provided the framework for other European countries to develop the entrepreneurial atmosphere and spirit that are necessary for the development of small and medium-sized businesses .
13 The team seeks a device that never tires of long and repetitious work , poised in awkward positions , that can cope automatically and speedily with any variation in a complex working environment , that can be kept , if anything , more sterile than any human , and that can operate with an accuracy and steadiness that are impossible for a living hand to attain .
14 This project looks at the Youth Training Scheme and asks : is it helping young people of either sex to break into fields of training and work that are non-traditional for their sex ?
15 Some further resources ( or facilities ) that are available for libraries to utilize other than those discussed in this chapter , are looked at in Chapter 5 , but one resource that is fundamental to an effective training programme i.e. effective use of resources allocated — and one that is available to all libraries — is a positive training ‘ climate ’ .
16 Now let's move on to the accessories that are available for these machines .
17 For the next few months I shall be writing about the various accessories that are available for Silver punchcard machines .
18 Do n't be frightened to use the services that are available for people affected by HIV and AIDS .
19 A company needs extremely good conversion and testing tools for these jobs — of just the kind that are available for the 88000 , argues Heath — even more so given that some end-user customers are even demanding certification as part of their acquisition and procurement process , 88open says .
20 A company needs extremely good porting and testing tools for these jobs — of just the kind that are available for the 88000 , argues Heath — even more so given that some end-user customers are even demanding certification as part of their acquisition/procurement process , 88open says .
21 However , many of the examples of literate societies that are available for study suggest that this is not the case : in fact these societies continue to practice what Goody has defined as ‘ oral ’ modes of communication , with all its limitations .
22 Quite apart from the quality aspect , this also means that it can make use of the enormous range of fonts that are available for LaserJet printers .
23 If students do not take up the publicly provided loans that are available for them , they are neglecting an important element of the student support system .
24 I mentioned the sentence of life imprisonment and the unlimited fines that are available for crimes involving knives .
25 The campaign should remind young people of the severe custodial sentences that are available for this type of crime .
26 These are the regions of the spectrum that are available for remote sensing .
27 These are the regions of the spectrum that are available for remote sensing .
28 Erm in my view the Secretary of State may come to the view on the latest figures that are available for him and erm No that is what I hope he will do when it comes to erm producing regional guidance .
29 Very briefly , Peter Davis , North Yorkshire County Council , you raised the issue of procedures looking at the er post two thousand and six scenario within the light of er a statutory greenbelt er at that time , and I would envisage that the County Council and the Districts , if indeed we 're all er in business at er er in in in the next century , would probably want to run a similar sort of exercise that they would be ran through the end of the eighties , and that is to sit down together , er and look at all the options , er that are available for Greater York , in the same way that they did it in ninety eighty nine , one additional factor at that time would be that er the greenbelt would be statutory , and it would be statutory if the County Council and ninety five percent of the district support on sites would be a tight greenbelt so the options would be looked at erm er in that context , on the comments that er Miss Whittaker , erm questions that Miss Whittaker raised , there is a paper that the County Council produced for the greenbelt local plan enquiry that I remember well as N Y Two , which set out in detail the various components , erm of the York greenbelt in addition to the historic title that the that the focus of the green belt comes across a variety of of of of matters , and if it if it is helpful to this panel that document was acceptable by and large , supported by the District , we can certainly put that in , and can circulate it round .
30 The remainder of this section briefly describe the manuals that are available for related LIFESPAN products .
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