Example sentences of "[that] [not/n't] only was " in BNC.

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1 It emerged that not only was there no reliable evidence of guilt , but , on the contrary , there was considerable proof of innocence .
2 What made Parisian life particularly nauseous to its critics was the fact that not only was it vicious , it was also well stocked with foreigners .
3 In view of subsequent denials by all concerned that the King of Prussia had been directly involved in events leading up to Leopold 's decision , it is worth noting that not only was the King present but also the Crown Prince of Prussia , Leopold , and his father Prince Anthony .
4 The roof , however , was only six years old and a structural analysis subsequently carried out by a structural engineer showed that not only was it impossible for that roof to slip , but furthermore it was twice as strong as the Building Regulations required .
5 Although the Labour Party — then in opposition — declared its disagreement with the underlying principles of the bill , the tone and level of the debates about immigration cemented the belief that not only was such legislation desirable from all political perspectives , it was also inevitable that it should be brought in .
6 He discussed religion and politics , leaving no room for doubt that not only was he ‘ a Unitarian , if not a Deist ’ , but also ‘ a Democrat , to the utmost extent of the word ’ .
7 Helen gladly confirmed that not only was Charlie a little star at our school but he was illuminating other schools too , especially girls ' schools .
8 To her it may seem that not only was she robbed of happiness during her marriage , but that she is now also being denied the right to grieve as well , for there will be those who will be expecting her mourning to be nothing more than a brief bow to convention , followed by a fairly speedy rise in spirits and return to normality .
9 Schönhuber manoeuvred around the ‘ old Nazi ’ tag , while making plain that not only was he proud to have been in the Waffen SS , but that there was indeed something worthwhile that Germans could salvage from the Nazi era .
10 Peck , though , dismisses the event as ‘ humour ’ and Justin Simpson comments : ‘ If this fable was trustworthy we could scarcely do otherwise than believe that not only was Stamford in days past frequently honoured by the presence of English Kings and Queens , but also that His Satanic Majesty occasionally hunted in the neighbourhood . ’
11 Since the revolution in 1989 , it has been revealed that not only was Romania passing on some of the Western secrets obtained in the long honeymoon with the West to Moscow , but that Ceauşescu 's brother , Ilie , the Deputy Defence Minister , was passing Soviet military secrets and technology to the Americans .
12 So by that weekend of 18–19 March Pons knew that not only was the DOE happy to fund the proposed research programme , but that the preliminary note had now received some measure of approval , which gave confidence in the fusion hypothesis .
13 Furthermore , he decided that not only was the distribution market too lumpy in terms of orders , but also margins were too low .
14 The difference is that not only was their subsidy rate half that of wealthier people , but evidently it was not originally planned to levy the loan on them .
15 As the sky faded to orange over the sea of felltops , it became clear that not only was Rib and Slab out of the question but we would be struggling to get back to Wasdale before nightfall .
16 Following the war , a great deal of redrafting of the official creed took place , and Scouting for Boys was repeatedly updated so that not only was militarism explicitly disowned , but the earlier racial imperialism was swapped for international brotherhood and goodwill .
17 The boys liked Basil for they felt that not only was he a good teacher , he was also a man .
18 By far the most famous of these clerical judges is Henry Bracton : he died in 1268 as chancellor of Exeter cathedral , but he had served in the meanwhile as a justice in eyre , a judge on assize , and from 1248 to 1257 on the King 's Bench and on the king 's council ; his fame rests on the fact that not only was he the foremost jurist of his age and possessed of an extensive and precise knowledge of Roman law but he was also credited with the authorship of The Laws and Customs of England which became — in the words of Dorothy Stenton — ‘ the Bible of the coming legal generation ’ .
19 By merging rural district councils with nearby urban districts and county councils with county boroughs , it was widely believed that not only was administration bound to become even more remote , but that the control of rural affairs would be handed over to urban interests with no understanding of agriculture and the ways of the countryside .
20 It showed that not only was Wood 's circle feasible but that it definitely seemed to exist , at least within the limitations of maps and acetate overlays .
21 She wanted to say that not only was that ridiculous but it was dangerous , she wanted to tell him about the frightening minutes in the maze of old Nice .
22 I should perhaps apologize on behalf of the hotel for the temperature in the room this morning er I stayed here last night and woke up to find that not only was there no heat in the radiators , but there was no heat in the hot water .
23 It then dawned on him disagreeable that not only was he in for a Dickensian banquet ( although he had taken care of that problem , he remembered cheeringly ) but for Dickensian readings .
24 We have already seen that not only was forest the natural primeval vegetation of Britain , but also that enormous areas had been felled to create arable land by the Bronze Age and that woodland management probably existed by the Neolithic period .
25 Although BT said they were continuing to look at the results of the experiment , initial findings included the fact that not only was BT satisfied with productivity achieved but the staff themselves were only too sorry to see it end .
26 It had dawned on me that not only was I leaving the comfortingly familiar surroundings of primary school but that I no longer had any influence whatsoever on the other pupils at the school which I had had before but I was to be demoted to ‘ the annoying first year ’ .
27 Last weeks report shows that not only was Koresh forewarned of the raid but the A T F's undercover agent had told that to the raid 's commanders .
28 Is it not clear from that information that not only was the Gulf war a great success in military terms , but that the financial outcome was also most satisfactory from the point of view of the United Kingdom ?
29 The unveiling of the plan coincided with opinion poll results which indicated that not only was the opposition running strongly ahead of the ALP , but that Hewson had opened a commanding lead over Hawke as the electorate 's preferred choice as Prime Minister .
30 Government revenue was such that not only was it possible to sustain and indeed expand expenditure on the national health serve , it was possible to do so without substantial increases in taxation .
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