Example sentences of "[that] [vb -s] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 And God help the little sparrow that dares to close its eyes or shuffle its tiny feet during a performance .
2 It contained a poem by James Kirkup entitled ‘ The Love That Dares to Speak Its Name ’ .
3 The team that wins gets their presents .
4 Not the bottle that guarantees to turn your grey hair black or make your bald pate sprout again , but something else .
5 I really feel a foreigner and walk up the drive cursing the mud that has ruined my gold stilettos .
6 Maybe , then , it is The Smiths ' natural unease before cameras that has motivated their hatred of video .
7 This backward projection is one of the things that has motivated my own work on present-day speech communities , and my interest in how the authority of the legitimized variety is promoted in linguistic scholarship J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) .
8 In doing so they offer , it seems , their most conclusive definition of the word that has inspired their fiction :
9 ‘ Unfortunately my wife could n't come because she teaches , but I expect that has curtailed my sightseeing and increased my output . ’
10 So when we come across one that has reached its sixth , we must sit up , take notice and ask why market forces have singled it out for special success .
11 This is the more remarkable since by this time , its mother may have already given birth to another tiny baby that has made its way to the pouch and is fastened on to a teat imbibing milk of a quite different composition .
12 Last September the Hungarian-born American financier George Soros executed a financial coup that has made his humanitarian cup run over .
13 On the other hand , we tend not to see the intense depression in a motionless and unresponsive horse , or the annoyance in one that has turned its back on the horse or person offending it , or the anxiety in the tightened abdominal muscles of the showpony expecting the pain of the spur .
14 You can so aim your plot that the events you will have to describe reflect on whatever current preoccupation of society it is that has fired your imagination ; your theme .
15 And the particular incident that has aroused his fearsome wrath is the departure from Granada Television of Mr David Plowright , a man who knows about TV programmes , at the behest of Mr Gerry Robinson , a man who knows about balance sheets .
16 DAVID HIRST last night cleared Arsenal 's Steve Bould of blame for the challenge that has destroyed his England recall hopes .
17 It is not any sense over-engineered in the manner of some US made exotica that has crossed my path , but over-engineering is not necessarily good engineering — it can be more correctly seen as wasteful engineering — it can be more correctly seen as wasteful engineering , which is a quite different thing .
18 But the cost of his doing so has been revealed in all its starkness in the unseemly scramble for the succession that has followed his departure .
19 pastiche is black parody , parody that has lost its humor .
20 It is particularly illogical that this kind of argument should be coming from politicians who , in other contexts , would be the first to argue , and rightly , that Vietnam is not some kind of monster State , but merely a ramshackle and inefficient one that has lost its way .
21 It is particularly illogical that this kind of argument should be coming from politicians who , in other contexts , would be the first to argue , and rightly , that Vietnam is not some kind of monster State , but merely a ramshackle and inefficient one that has lost its way .
22 Hay that has lost its colour has a lower nutritional value and is less palatable .
23 The Flight-Lieutenant became suddenly petulant , like a child that has lost its toy .
24 Some scientists suggest that the procaryote is a degenerate eukaryote , one that has lost its unique features .
25 The 31-year-old Yorkshireman 's enthusiastic work in the back four , his surging runs on the overlap and his ferocious shooting have all been badly missed in a side that has lost its heart and its way in a disastrous plunge down the table .
26 In his letter to shareholders Alan Sugar paints a bleak picture of a company that has lost its way by becoming too big .
27 His hands shake ant his balance is cruelly uncertain , a fly wheel that has lost its rhythm .
28 a scissors that has lost its middle screw ,
29 We know nothing of his being or his nature , except that he is a created spirit that has lost his relationship to the Godhead .
30 Their change of mind came after the president 's aides had said that if denied a referendum he would carry out a non-binding plebiscite anyway to settle the power struggle that has paralysed his reform programme .
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