Example sentences of "[that] [is] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you 'll accept no faith that is not fixed ,
2 The last two titles at least offer a fresh theme that is not matched in other publishers ' series .
3 Some people leave effects of the dead person around — the hat that still hangs in the hall , the bedroom that is not touched , the area of the house that becomes a kind of ‘ shrine ’ to the memory of the person who is dead .
4 The person giving it may not realise the full legal consequences of it as regards the release of a co-debtor ; but that is not , in my opinion , a sufficient ground for reading into the document something that is not expressed in it ; and unless you find in it something qualifying the general words , it appears to me that the legal consequences of the general words of discharge must follow , notwithstanding that those consequences may go beyond what the person giving the document would have intended if they had been pointed out to him at the time , and he had had an opportunity of addressing his mind to them .
5 Perhaps he suggests that , although bats ' eyes are apparently weak , nevertheless , in some way that is not understood , they are able to see efficiently at night by use of their eyes .
6 We need a government which is not afraid of playing its part , a government that is not clinging to some of the apparent certainties of the Cold War but one that is willing to step off the sidelines and help ensure that through co-operation between East and West we can move from the two old Europes to the one new Europe with stability .
7 I mean , many , many wards , but that does n't mean that we should therefore ignore a ward because it 's got an area that is not deprived , you 've got the , I think that by choosing East and St Clements as areas , that they seem then quite sensible areas to start with , nice central , fairly central location .
8 The exam educates youngsters cheaply up to a level that is not reached in other countries until someone has been at university for a year .
9 Nonetheless , R&D that is not related to defence has declined by about 10 per cent since Reagan took office , once inflation is accounted for .
10 From the normative point of view , too , the approach to price theory adopted here sees its function in a way that is not related in any essential manner to the state of affairs at equilibrium .
11 Schemes such as these are the equivalent of ‘ mining water ’ , that is to say using a resource that is not replenished .
12 In both chronic and alcoholic hepatitis there is not only a quantitative change in proliferating bile ductules , with both lewis antigens more strongly expressed , but also a qualitative change with expression of a sialylated form of the antigen that is not seen in normal ductules .
13 But I believe in England that is not done " .
14 Thus a member that protests from the outset of institutional action that is not sanctioned by the constitutive treaty should be able to claim that it is not bound by that action .
15 Aachen-based supercomputing company Parsytec GmbH has demonstrated a new high-speed parallel processing-based optical character recognition system that is not foxed by variations in type font or size .
16 My understanding is that there there there is n't any difference that is not explained by those .
17 Among the eight with stage I disease , five had tumoural involvement of the stomach which would have required total gastrectomy , a procedure with a high morbidity rate and one that is not justified with a well tolerated , slowly progressing disease .
18 There is a Joy that is not given to those who do not love you ( O God ) , but only to those who love you for your own sake .
19 Any business that operates within the investment arena that is not authorised can be punished by imprisonment or fines .
20 The slightly jerky movements almost inseparable from hands-on animation are perfectly acceptable and even comic in a mechanical creature that is not intended to deceive the audience .
21 That is the pathway we have gone down , and in consequence we have reduced the amount of food that is given to our cows that could be eaten by man from 50 per cent to 14 per cent by getting the input from grass and porridge oats : food that would otherwise be wasted in a system that is not using these animals to pick it up on the way .
22 He does however describe language as a form in a constant process of evolution that is not tied to corresponding changes in its meaning or vice versa .
23 In England everything that is not prohibited is permitted .
24 The position of the subject here is quite simply that he is free to do anything that is not prohibited by law but that , by reason of the doctrine of the sovereignty of Parliament , anything can be prohibited or required .
25 Human turpitude of a personal kind is clearly visible in the activities of the wife and the monk — a sad human ignorance , lack of mastery and even spiritual failure in the case of the merchant — a turpitude that is not rendered comic in any distinguished way by some unexpectedly creative sleight of hand in the Shipman 's Tale , nor artfully embodied in the sort of grotesque and rapid excesses that we have in Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin .
26 A Raman spectrum is normally excited using light of a frequency that is not absorbed by the sample .
27 The vendor should ensure that the sale agreement provides that the purchaser is obliged to pay that part of the price that is not disputed as soon as possible and that interest is paid on the additional amount if any that the purchaser is subsequently required to pay .
28 Too much nitrogen encourages an abundance of leaf tissue that is not balanced by enhanced root activity to support it , or enough potash to keep the plant structure hard .
29 The search for a laterality index that is not biased with respect to accuracy recently led Bryden and Sprott ( 1981 ) to propose the adoption of a new index , lamda , based on the log odds ratios ( P/ ( l — P ) ; P/ ( l -P ) where PR and P , are the respective probabilities of a correct response at the left and right sides .
30 The word is used to define an order or programme that is not constructed symmetrically .
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