Example sentences of "[that] [vb mod] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In Patterson v. McLean Credit Union the court had ruled that an 1866 Civil Rights law prohibiting discrimination in making a contract applied " only to the formation of a contract , but not to problems that may arise later " .
2 At this point it would appear that a consultant 's job is now over , but in fact he should co-ordinate with the contractors , and stand by until the equipment is fully installed and be present at the opening of the facility for a number of days in order to iron out any problems that may arise immediately after opening .
3 Some water-formed features therefore , including the sand-bars that may form parallel with a shore-line with a salt-marsh behind , are constantly formed , destroyed and re-formed .
4 Before that , because change by definition is something no one has seen yet ( despite models that may exist elsewhere ) , it has to be taken at least partially on faith .
5 Hypochlorite is a powerful oxidant that may react directly against membrane associated targets or indirectly by forming less reactive chloramines that may diffuse across the membrane and attack cytosolic components .
6 But occasionally , and forgiveably in a live commentary that may last only seconds , his tongue has played tricks .
7 He will fix his eyes on some spot that he thinks he knows and watch it intently as the day fades , hoping to be able to plot any light that may appear later on .
8 The NSC lifted , however , those state of emergency provisions which had banned the publication and distribution of newspapers and the entry into the region of " persons or groups that may appear potentially disruptive to the public " [ see also pp. 38593 ; 38834 ] .
9 The other is enclosed by a chimney of mud and stones that may stand as much as a foot tall .
10 Compare that to a whole forest in the UK that may contain just a few species .
11 Now write a description of your hand , taking the risks , following the associations that may lead nowhere but are more likely to lead exactly where you need to go .
12 This approach need not replace traditional literary criticism : rather , it should be viewed as a step that may lead naturally , where appropriate , into the development of objective analytical skills as pupils learn to reflect on their own writing — and on the creative process itself — in relation to the text that inspired it .
13 In that case switching away from equity and into debt offers two potential advantages : it tends to concentrate ownership ( both equity and debt ) into fewer hands that may care more about how the firm is run ; and it provides a clear discipline for managers .
14 There are other features that may have much earlier origins than is generally believed .
15 SIR , — Dr Parmet and colleagues ' ( April 24 , p 1057 ) demonstration of venous emboli detected during knee arthroplasty illustrates the use of a technique that may have much wider applications in the study of embolism .
16 A film is made up of a series of shots that may be photographed over various periods of time ; a ‘ take ’ that may have originally started out as three or four minutes in length may eventually be edited to a ten second shot .
17 This part of building a successful presentation demands a degree of intellectual honesty that may test even the most confident manager .
18 Dumps are increasingly required to have special liners to stop moisture from seeping in ; to collect and treat any liquid that does get in ; to monitor the waste that is added to a dump ; and to provide for shutting down the landfill at the end of its life and cleaning up any environmental damage that may come later .
19 After the intensive twelve months support with the project , girls need somewhere to come with any problems that may occur later .
20 Implicit in the use of the problem-solving approach described above is the aim of helping people acquire coping skills which can be used not just to solve the current problems but also to deal with some of those that may occur subsequently .
21 Something had changed and we have tentatively come to the opinion that the problems at Brooks Brothers stem from misapprehensions on the part of its owner , a firm that ought to know better .
22 It privatized morality and undermined the status of those verities that should govern both private and public conduct .
23 But the declaration spoke of ‘ taking into account current economic and social conditions ’ , a clause that should give both the president and the government free rein .
24 The standard molar enthalpy of a reaction is written It is essential that should refer unambiguously to a specific equation or formula .
25 The directors themselves offer a rich and powerful target to an audience that should matter more to them than politicians : their own workers .
26 A multicentred audit under the auspices of the British Society of Gastroenterology has now started that should show more clearly the role of barium enema in the investigation of anaemia .
27 What we are seeing nightly on our TV screens is as vile and disgusting a process of racial extermination as anything practised by the Nazis , yet once again the West , including a Britain that should know better than most , is responding in terms which echo chillingly down the years from Hitler , appeasement , Chamberlain and Munich .
28 Drawing on a huge spectrum of influences , every D*Note tune is doing something fresh , with a filmic quality that must make even Massive Attack blush .
29 Sealed chambers and closed-circuit televisions are on hand for weapons that must bring together electronic gadgetry , steel casings , perfectly packaged propellants and warheads of high explosive .
30 Melanie pictured the safe , made of very black metal , set squarely at the end of the bed where he could see it all the time , in the strange bedroom where he slept with Aunt Margaret in a bed that must sag deeply on his side , since he was so heavy and she was no weight at all .
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