Example sentences of "[that] [subord] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Section 9 provides that where he can not or does not make the valuation , the contract is avoided .
2 ‘ Is — is that where I will be ? ’
3 I would hate that 'cause I would lose Donna .
4 Notice , however , that although we may have views on the social class distribution of [ ta ; ] deletion ( it can be readily observed to be less common in middle-class Belfast English ) , social class is at this stage an external category .
5 Like the dietary laws , which mean that although we should enjoy our food we are limited to certain foods , we are encouraged to enjoy sex , but only in the context of a legal marriage and with certain constraints .
6 A further problem is that although we should be glad that speed control measures are encouraged more strongly than they were in 1977 , they are only applied to very small developments .
7 We would stress that although we can advise on the pros and cons of each offer , the final decision as to whether to proceed and with whom rests ultimately with Mature Business PLC 's shareholders .
8 He pointed out that although they would automatically have carried out such precautions , water would always be found in the deeper parts of the mine .
9 On nationalist rights , the Unionists accept that although they would be happy as an integrated UK region , ‘ a significant proportion ’ of the 38pc ( now up to 41pc ) Catholic community may aspire to a united Ireland .
10 Marx described the consciousness of people in a situation of class conflict as ideological , meaning that although they might represent and believe their ideas to be objective and of universal validity , in reality these ideas express and serve class interests .
11 Her second was that although they might be beautiful , they were not all good .
12 Even public sector business entities , such as the nationalized industries , find that although they may have a very dominant profit or financial target , they often have to take account of wider exogenous implications .
13 Arts Centre management said that although they will not be hosting the autumn event , next week 's beer fair is part of the Spring Thing folk festival from March 19–22 .
14 This is not an uncommon occurrence because birds of prey have what is known as ‘ tunnel vision ’ — which means that although they can focus with deadly accuracy on the prey straight in front of them , they have difficulty seeing anything outside that direct line of sight .
15 Det Chief Insp Dave Sinclair said that although they could not rule out the possibility of someone else having fired the machine , the incident was now being treated as an accident .
16 In the last equation you will notice that the bracketed expressions approximate to our sectors , the industrial and commercial as well as the personal ( I-S ) , the public sector ( G-T ) , and the external sector ( X-M ) , and that although they must all sum to zero it does not follow that each expression must be equal to zero .
17 On the contrary , by correcting himself in this way the author is making a particular point : that although the occasion might have been regarded as a performance by some , that although it might have in time become a performance , this description is not an accurate representation of the narrator 's memories .
18 What this suggests then is that although it may be necessary to tolerate the practice , it should be conducted only in exceptional and highly controlled circumstances under which there is adequate scrutiny and review by institutions independent of the executive branch of government .
19 Now that you understand why these lace carriage movements occur you should be able to operate the carriage happily , knowing that although it may look unorthodox , there is a good reason for each instruction .
20 Further , it seems likely that although it may have been the case in the earlier nineteenth century that the proportion of the English population living in the higher-waged North increased both as a result of a higher natural rate of increase and from in-migration , in 1801 53 per cent of the population still lived south of the Severn/Wash line , while north of it counties like Herefordshire and Worcestershire were not high-waged .
21 Labour says that although it would hand the opted-out schools back to the authorities that used to control them , it would protect them against discrimination .
22 Is my hon. Friend aware that although it would be wasteful , unnecessary and expensive to renationalise the National Grid Company , the company has incurred great unpopularity due to its proposals to build pylons through the finest parts of our rural landscape in Cleveland ?
23 At a tete-a-tete recently with analysts and the press , Windows NT product manager , Dwayne Walker , said that although it can be used on a server , it was ‘ first and foremost a desktop operating system . ’
24 It is also fair to suggest that the Labour Party benefited from the rising unemployment of the 1920s for it claimed , successfully in the 1920s , that although it could not solve unemployment , which was a product of a capitalist society , it would at least ensure that the unemployed were guaranteed a level of benefits which would ensure healthy life .
25 ‘ Our buyers believe that although it will be a mega film , the merchandising opportunities are not as big as , say the Ninja Turtles or Batman II , ’ said spokesman Peter Skinner .
26 ‘ Any sponsor would have to realise that although I might lose an occasional race when I could have won , I am able to run far more races and to winy many , only because I do n't put myself under any pressure by expecting or even wanting to win .
27 There is something so immovable , so enduring — yet I am perfectly aware that one day he will fall down — so mysterious about my old mate that although I ca n't say that I actually feel a surge of energy , I do feel some sort of ‘ reward ’ .
28 In the end I agreed to do this but I remember leaving the meeting literally , I am afraid , in tears and saying that although I would obey the majority I would resign from the Government afterwards as quietly as I could because I should have failed to uphold an almost lifelong conviction …
29 Also , it is likely that although I will get custody of my daughter , he will also be given leave to see her every week , and likely for a longer period than he sees her now .
30 And El-ahrairah knew then that although he would not be mocked , yet Frith was his friend .
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