Example sentences of "[that] [subord] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 More telling still is that where ASWs considered relationship problems primary no woman referred by GPs was sectioned .
2 It was held in Chamberlain v IRC 25 TC 317 that where assets settled by X were invested in shares in a company controlled by the settlor , the whole of the capital of which was held by the trustees themselves , the income arising in the company did not arise from property comprised in the settlement within the meaning of TA 1988 , s672(1) .
3 The first thing is that although garments designed with the STANDARD version are symmetrical , ( except in the case of a specially tapered raglan or saddle shoulder sleeve top ) , the actual shaping instructions are not always exactly the same on both sides of the diagram .
4 Table 8 , below , details the results obtained , and shows that although monographs accounted for the majority of issues , the demand for serials and newspapers was substantial , with one serial or newspaper being issued for every three monographs .
5 The report claimed that although measures introduced at the outset of the conflict , such as special incentives for planting food crops , would ensure a good grain harvest in 1991 , the destruction of the country 's infrastructure during the bombing would seriously hamper collection and distribution , so that urban areas would suffer from severe shortages of wheat .
6 Occasionally , as in the case of Heighton , in Firle Park , only a few mounds remain to illustrate that once men lived and worked there .
7 One of the teachers said that immediately school re-opened after the Christmas holidays she was likely to encounter little girls doing high kicks in unlikely places in the hope of catching her eye and ultimately achieving one of these aims .
8 A report in the Middle East Economic Digest of July 13 stated that if prices held at the July 3 level ( $16.03 per barrel of Brent and $13.75 per barrel of Dubai crude ) then Iraq 's current-account deficit for 1990 would be US$3,500 million ; however , if the OPEC reference price of $18 a barrel , introduced in 1987 , was achieved then the 1990 deficit would be halved .
9 The main disadvantage of marginal costing that overheads are not included into product costs although it apparent that if activities classified as overheads were not employed then it is unlikely a firm would be able to satisfactorily produce the products .
10 one of the things I 'm thinking of in the longer term and I I bounced this of er was that if groups moved to Stansted could not be moved across to groups to sort this problem out because I think she 's getting bored in what she 's doing
11 Analysts said that if sterling declined to 90 points on the index or plunged significantly below DM3 it would almost certainly trigger an increase in base rates .
12 I replied that if colleagues agreed with him then we could forget about the whole review .
13 On the issue of United Kingdom participation in UNESCO ( the United States , United Kingdom and Singapore having withdrawn from the organization in 1984-85 — see pp. 33499-501 ) Mayor held talks on Feb. 28 with the UK Under-Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office , Timothy Sainsbury , and on March 15 the House of Commons foreign affairs committee issued its first report on reforms within UNESCO , indicating that if Mayor succeeded in reforming the organization 's administration , the UK should rejoin .
14 After the 1915 offensives , the troops had come to believe that if Pétain called for an attack there must be some point to it , that it would not be a senseless sacrifice of lives in the way of those over-ambitious generals , out to gain recognition from the conquest at any price of a few yards of enemy trench .
15 The President suggested , however , that if Congress objected to the partial financing of the tax cuts through cuts in domestic spending , then he would be willing to countenance an amendment of the 1990 Budget Enforcement Act in order to allow reductions in defence spending to be used to offset the cost of the tax cuts .
16 Choppy Spencer , you 've heard Harvey Markovitch suggest that if schools opted out certain very important facets of the schools might be trimmed down terrifically , or might be excluded altogether , like for instance music teaching .
17 Even some like-minded philosophers ( Mackie , 1974 , Ch. 2 ; Sanford , 1985 ) have been ready enough to take it that if c caused e in an ordinary situation then it is true , as we have it in ( 1 ) , that if c had n't occurred , neither would e , but they have omitted or denied what we now have in ( 3 ) , that it is also true that if or since c occurred , so did e .
18 The first public meeting in Cambridge was warned by the Dean-designate of St Paul 's , the Reverend Professor Inge , that unless controls limited the reproduction of the ‘ urban proletariat ’ , it ‘ may cripple our civilisation as it destroyed that of ancient Rome ’ .
19 We were gon na call her Lisa Marie but then I said Bernie said that because mum done so much for me during
20 The committee said that because ministers occupied positions of power there were particular risks for them in any activity which overlaps the border between their public duties and private interests , however worthy the motives may be in any individual case .
21 The Dunbars have shown that whereas harems taken over in combat only last an average of three and a half years , those established by way of two-male team formation last eight and a half .
22 There had been concern that while negotiations ground on the playing side of the club was suffering .
23 It 's very important that when parents split up the child has the opportunity to know where both parents are living and how to keep in touch with both of them .
24 Based on these findings , and on those by Villanova et al showing that : ( i ) patients with multiple primary stones tend to develop multiple recurrent stones while those who originally had solitary stones tend to develop single stone recurrence ; and ( ii ) the recurrence rate in those who initially had solitary stones is only one third of that in patients who originally had multiple stones , we can predict that as patients selected for extra corporeal shock wave dissolution mainly have solitary stones , the recurrence rate after lithotripsy should be lower than that reported here .
25 It is not surprising that as opera spread over Europe it tended to preserve its original language , resisting the various vernaculars .
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