Example sentences of "[that] [vb base] to the " in BNC.

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1 Although yeast bHLH proteins that bind to the same DNA sequence as Myc and Max have been described , they are unlikely to play a significant role in our experiments .
2 The transcription proteins that bind to the octameric DNA sequence ATGCAAAT ( or its complement ATTTGCAT ) are called Oct factors .
3 Most experimental evidence suggests that Jun or Fos containing factors that bind to the X-box are required for the activation of MHC class II promoters ( 26,28–30 ) , although a negative role was suggested for the Jun/Fos heterodimer ( 27 ) .
4 The crimps had been used to hold in position the three small swivels that connect to the hook lengths .
5 There is no evidence from all this of cerebral ‘ rubicons ’ that correspond to the different stages of language acquisition , but one can not avoid the impression that the linguistic skills acquired by the growing child are orchestrated by a physiological score ; and one moreover that has its own peculiar , species-specific crescendos .
6 The head of the Deutsche Bundespost Telekom , Helmut Ricke , urged the government and opposition to strike a deal in crucial talks next week on the privatisation of the state-owned concern , Reuter reports from Bonn : the talks between the government and the Social Democratic opposition are due to resume May 14 : politicians on both sides of the debate , which resumed last month , agree a decision must be reached before the Bundestag 's summer recess on July 3 or there wo n't be enough time in the legislative calendar to pass the bill before next year 's parliamentary elections ; TeleKom finance director Joachim Kroeske complained to the Wall Street Jorunal that ‘ We have an organisation more like a bureaucracy than a real company — we have civil servants with lifetime employment , high pensions and salaries that correspond to the length of service and how many children they have . ’
7 The video camera scans photographs ( or , of course , a real person ) and encodes the image into pixels — picture elements or numerical values that correspond to the lightness or darkness of the image .
8 he has problems with the e-marker , and needs , especially , to hear many of the words he misspells pronounced clearly while he is looking at them , and to have pointed out to him the parts of the word that correspond to the various sounds .
9 but he has more of a chance to use the resources he gains for goals that correspond to the policy values of his party .
10 But we may hope that the small differences in binding energies that correspond to the chemical shifts between different samples will be correctly reproduced .
11 The Clinton administration is slowly turning its attention to the $14 billion that the US government will spend this year on basic research , conducting a review of six multi-billion-dollar interagency initiatives and convening a panel of senior administrators to draw up programmes for future budgets that correspond to the president 's domestic policy goals .
12 Fig. 21.18(a) and ( c ) ) of a computed instantaneous vorticity distribution , and patterns that correspond to the structure are picked out by shading .
13 Simple L-R filters that correspond to the simple C-R filters of figure 8.3 are shown loaded with resistance R L in figure 8.5 .
14 It 's still a hot air story , and we give most hot air stories — some dignitary with no power to do anything to change the situation has ‘ called for ’ , ‘ demanded ’ , ‘ warned ’ or whatever — but the issue is so serious that it deserves notice : we have frequently highlighted the manner in which US — and European — anti-dumping measures that supposedly benefit a tiny minority are to the detriment of the vast majority , and there is now a groundswell of opinion at the US Department of Commerce that the International Trade Commission 's brief in considering charges of dumping should extend to a review of the impact of duties on consumers ; the current issue is the anti-dumping duties likely to be made permanent today on memory chip imports from South Korea , which are sought by Micron Technology Inc but opposed by both all memory chip users and by the US chip capital equipment manufacturers that sell to the South Koreans .
15 EC milk quotas , which since their imposition in 1984 have seen milk production fall by 20 per cent , mean that supply to the manufacturing industry is rationed .
16 Again , the ‘ normal ’ situation in the sciences is not a sure guide , as none of you needs to be reminded , when the brain and mind are the subjects of investigation , given the peculiar features that attach to the notion of consciousness and to its close relations , thought , feeling , privacy and so on .
17 Moreover , there is not so much to smell when you are flying high up and away from the scents and aromas that cling to the Earth — or even if , like man , your nose stands at a height of five or six feet , rarely bending towards the ground .
18 The main industry 's that export to the US are Food and drink ; and Textiles .
19 Illustrations that spread to the edge of the paper without margins are referred to as ‘ bled off ’ .
20 It is the witches prophecy to Macbeth that he will be Thane of Cawdor and then king ( Act 1 Scene 3 ) that show to the reader that Macbeth has got ambition in him , as shown by his demand of them to speak more before they vanish .
21 I do not share the view that theory and practice in education are opposites — the ideal situation is one in which good practice informs theory and good theory provides new insights into practice — but I certainly think that the ability of academic writers to communicate clearly , in ways that speak to the experience of practitioners , is vital .
22 There are , of course , other arguments that pertain to the Sahel disaster ( section 7.2.1 ) .
23 Sort out any booklets or manuals that pertain to the heating system or any other fixture that you are leaving behind .
24 The observable things that happen to the child immediately after the problem behaviour occurs .
25 I leave that matter to the other place .
26 It works at a warm temperature and vigorously turns the sugars in the wort into alcohol and carbon dioxide , producing at the same time ripe fruity aromas that add to the pleasure of ale drinking .
27 Its feathers are ruffled , as those of a genuinely sick bird would be , and this ruffling often exposes bright patches of plumage that add to the conspicuousness of the display .
28 The most successful illustrations , on the other hand , are those that play a full part in the story telling , those that add to the text .
29 The imagery of the death of human beings is helped by numerous run on lines that add to the lamentation of the words .
30 According to studies into the side on which men ‘ dress ’ , seventy-five per cent have penises that lie to the left when they 're fully clothed as opposed to a mere seventeen per cent that have penises that lie to the right .
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