Example sentences of "[that] [vb base] [been] take " in BNC.

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1 My conclusions , expressed in the last chapter — ‘ Venice of the Twenty-First Century ? ’ — have been reinforced by the events that have been taking place in Eastern Europe since the autumn of 1989 .
2 Chapters 5 and 6 have discussed the changes that have been taking place in rural and urban areas and the effects these have had on social structure , poverty and inequality .
3 The changes that have been taking place in Latin America and the economic growth that the region has experienced have not brought about any redistribution of income in favour of the low-income groups , the trend has been if anything slightly towards a greater polarisation of wealth .
4 The decision was made last week at a planning process review the COSE people and the Open Software Foundation held April 7 at X/Open offices in Menlo Park , California , one of many meetings that have been taking place lately .
5 The decision was made last week at a planning process review the COSE people and the Open Software Foundation held on April 7 at the X/Open offices in Menlo Park , California , one of many meetings that have been taking place lately .
6 Europe is now experiencing the political consequences of several changes that have been taking place over the past few years .
7 The discussion in this chapter has so far not explicitly recognized the changes that have been taking place and will continue to take place in manufacturing methods .
8 In the time that I have to move the report I 'd like to concentrate on some of the developments that have been taking place in health and safety this is not to , er , give the impression that environmental developments are not important but over this next year the government are going to be taking certain measures that we need to be aware of , er , in the health and safety area .
9 It has also often been argued that there is empirical evidence that rules the suggestion quite out of court by demonstrating that a pre-exposed stimulus quite lacks the properties that have been taken as defining for an inhibitory CS ( Rescorla 1969 ) .
10 What is more , the experimental results that have been taken to demonstrate that retrieval plays a part in latent inhibition can not demonstrate this failure to be the sole source of the effect — these experiments show that a CS-US association is indeed formed after latent inhibition training and can be revealed if the conditions of testing are appropriate ; they do not show convincingly that the association is just as strong as that formed in subjects given no pre-exposure to the target stimulus .
11 After she has dressed , the female patient will be asked to wait while the various samples that have been taken for immediate microscopy are stained and examined .
12 The idea is among those that have been taken over successfully into the theory of evolution by John Maynard Smith , who has shown why the evolutionarily stable strategy in a given situation may not be the strategy that would bring most benefit to every individual — the catch being that the only way all individuals could benefit from the best possible strategy , is for all to agree to pursue that strategy .
13 It is ironically at the points at which Lévi-Strauss and Barthes transgress ‘ structuralism ’ that their work is most successful ; when they produce inspired accounts of the hidden meanings of cultural forms that have been taken for granted .
14 But this scheme should be seen in the context of the longer-term aspirations of some countries for greater economic and monetary union in Europe , and the steps that have been taken to achieve this .
15 I am sure that the hon. and learned Gentleman knows the considerable steps that have been taken by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Defence and by the Minister of State for the Armed Forces to deal with the aftermath of that tragic incident .
16 There has been a fall in the proportion of buses that have been taken off the roads because of serious defects found during the vehicle inspectorate 's examination .
17 Abdesselam told the press on July 27 that the elimination of corruption remained a high priority and that " those who paid the price for the measures that have been taken so far are the youth … let no one expect me to make the deprived masses pay any more " .
18 Er , obviously on a more serious note , er it was very disappointing that we had such a severe er downturn in profitability last year after several years of steadily rising profits , and so what I want to do this morning was tell you a little bit about what happened in the last part of the year , since we met at the time of the interim results presentation last September , tell you the actions that have been taken and give you a little bit of insight as to where we stand at the present time .
19 So really it 's for information Chairman , but it 's a watch this space one , I think , because , I think there is probably more behind the steps that have been taken here , as we 're seeing on the face of it at the moment .
20 Erm , but , having been supported by each chief officer and general manager , you will see in paragraph eleven of the report , the various actions that have been taken over the last twelve months or so , and I would like to pick out particular the fact , that chief officers are now , operating or required to have effective arrangements for achieving equal opportunity in employment in their department or unit .
21 Well I er er we I was n't speaking about the , the evidence today , I 'm speaking about evidences that have been taken in the past , where we had even trustees before the committee .
22 I 'm not saying that people would have never changed their ideas but if it would have been done in the manner that it would have been done in in the first place and if people would have been told about their future lives and if people had been , would 've accepted what was going on in light of all the decisions that have been taken previously regarding the merger issue .
23 And forest , if it is left to recover , will in fact recover fairly well , probably with slightly fewer of the species that have been taken out , but the same sort of diversity of tree cover , and of fauna and flora , because in fact you 're taking very little out when you 're logging alone .
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