Example sentences of "[that] [vb base] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Avoiding making these latent potentialities manifest is a constant concern , evidenced by the multitude of taboos that bracket even the most mundane activities in a ( usually vain ) attempt to forestall the dangers that lurk on all sides .
2 Home : I live between New York , Paris and Germany so it 's difficult to say which is home , but I always have things with me that make even a hotel room feel like home .
3 The source of meaningfulness of these ideas lies in the logical relationships that bind together a cluster of basic ideas into a coherent pattern Thus if the idea of numerical diversity presupposes the possibility of irreducible relations , the idea of irreducible relations , in its turn , presupposes the possibility of an objective order , and the idea of an objective order ( I shall argue ) is unintelligible without the idea of a plurality of points of view occupied by different selves .
4 Take two felt-tip pens , of different colours , and underline in one colour all the words that catch the meaning you intended , that evoke strongly the feelings you have about the room .
5 Most trilobites were broadly oval-shaped being rather longer than wide , not greatly convex , and with eyes that occupy perhaps a quarter of the length of the head .
6 The kind that cost about a hundred dollars on the black market .
7 Such products may have to contain specific properties ( attributes ) that match exactly the demand pattern of a specific group of customers .
8 All this leads to swelling and shrinkage of keratin cells , and the bonds that hold together the nail weaken , causing brittleness .
9 In fact the first person to say it was anthropologist Thomas Hornsby Ferril , who wrote an article in the Rocky Mountain Herald in December 1955 that put forward the idea that American football is actually a :
10 In a new book — ‘ Power Failure : New York City Politics and Policy Since 1960 ’ , put out by Oxford University Press — Ray Horton and Charles Brecher , leading lights of the CBC , have shown how arrangements to simplify bargaining with the unions have ended up locking the city into deals that halt even the best-laid plans for change .
11 But the London and East Midlands electricity boards are involved in field trials using frequencies that cover almost the entire spectrum available for mains signalling .
12 Tom Polacheck , of the US NMFS , who has been closely involved with the harbour porpoise entanglement problem , believes that the incidental taking of harbour porpoise is an example of the problems that face both the marine scientist and society , in that both marine animals and commercial fisheries are highly valued and represent issues of concern to various segments of society .
13 Here there is a fine series of grooves that run virtually the full height of the cliff .
14 Literally speaking , ephemera are things that last only a day ; in the more accepted sense , things destined to endure only a short time ; but , by a curious paradox , in the most modern sense , things which have , in fact , long survived their predestined span .
15 It is the correspondences that summon forth the jealousy and hold it , throughout the novel , under the reader 's gaze , as we witness the perceptions of a mind pulled awry by the pressure of an overwhelming suspicion .
16 It was an act familiar to anyone , that is almost everyone , who has suffered from those self-inflicted illnesses that inspire only a feeling of wanting to curl up in a ball and be alone .
17 The object-oriented paradigm necessitates that programs are cut up into methods that define both the data and the procedure .
18 It is usually stopped from six to fifteen inches from the hook , but this can be increased or decreased for special situations that demand either a longer or shorter tail .
19 It just gives me hope that there are huge groups of people that feel exactly the same thing .
20 Paasi then investigates what he terms the ‘ institutionalization of regions ’ , the process by which they are created , which involves four stages in the formation of ‘ structures of expectations ’ that embrace both the physical and the cultural characteristics of a region .
21 To do this , it is first necessary to see if it is possible to agree on what the crucial principles are that characterise both the original biological positivists and the proposed wider category .
22 However , differences apart , the clear similarities in the issues surrounding the residential care of children in the three different countries suggest common situations in urbanized , wealthy West European societies that generate both the difficult candidates and the problems of meeting their needs effectively .
23 There are , in the east Midlands , three towns lying fairly close together that illustrate well the physical consequences of this situation — Nottingham , Leicester and Stamford .
24 The new measures will bring the UK more into line with other western governments ' statistical bureaux that limit both the number of ministers with access to figures and the amount of time they have to consider them .
25 But , as I have described , it is ingredients such as soda and lime that alter totally the properties of Mass and whose local atomic structure is therefore especially interesting .
26 For just £15 you can give them a set of springs that take just an hour or two to fit under each key and make the keyboard so much bouncier .
27 Often , products that contain only a few basic ingredients , like Simple , Nivea , Neutrogena and good old Vaseline , are the safest .
28 There can be baby universes that contain only a few particles .
29 In such circumstances , the recommended course of action is to mass-produce module headers that contain only the minimum information required .
30 Indeed , this very struggle that I find so fascinating in the writing of Paradise Lost , you know , a rather intimate way I feel I can see it in eleven words that come just a little earlier in the fourth book , in which he tells us ‘ Seeing the apples growing on the trees , that they are hisperian fables true , if true here only and of delicious taste ’ .
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