Example sentences of "[that] [vb past] her [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The wind caught the spindrift and flung it as a jewelled and treacherous veil into the depths of the ragged sky that dizzied her when contrary winds ripped the clouds this way and that .
2 Even though she was making light of it , Charlie could n't mistake the fire that animated her when she reached his entries for the final night of Christine Ashdown 's brief career .
3 It was the ‘ Ology ’ line that hooked her and other papers followed her line .
4 Wilson went and it was more the going that helped her than the services themselves .
5 She made a fuss of every boat that approached her and mixed with all bathers on the beach , allowing them to pet her , hold her tail , and ride on her back .
6 ‘ I 'm — fond of Travis — very fond , ’ she stated , then caught the dangerous glint in her employer 's eye that assured her that her prevarication was n't going down too well .
7 But it was not a dream or a vision of the dead verderer that woke her but hunger .
8 The first mother to tell her sad story was clearly upset ; Mrs H described the knock at the door that woke her and her invalid husband at seven o'clock .
9 Would Sue ( she hardly knew her , after all , had only met her a few minutes ago ) really let her share the little bubble of love that sealed her and Pete up together and away from the rest of the world ?
10 ‘ Where are you going , Rose ? ’ he asked in a tone that told her that he knew he had gone too far but she continued on her way .
11 And there was something about him , an aura of confidence and power , as he stood there facing her across the bonnet of the Mini that told her that even if she 'd been driving a tank there was no way in the world he would have let her go past .
12 All the family were enjoying life , and even Maureen seemed to have forgotten whatever it was that troubled her and to be quietly happy again .
13 How then is it possible that a gesture I saw performed by one person , a gesture that was connected to her , that characterized her and was part of her individual charm , could at the same time be the essence of another person and my dreams of her ?
14 It was the smell that alerted her and gave her that first sudden awareness of danger .
15 They were watching her intently , with a look that disconcerted her and excited her at the same time .
16 And we do n't want that to happen , and we have different kinds of bullets that hit her and stay there .
17 Yet nothing , it seemed , could halt the flow of adrenalin that surged upwards or the flush of awareness that overwhelmed her as he cast his eyes over the carefully laid table , the food and , lastly , herself .
18 But a few instants later , she needed no other support than the strong arms that seized her and gathered her to a broad chest , the lips in her hair uttering the words that sent the blood rushing through her veins .
19 He took up a pen and drew a few lines on a notepad — meaningless lines that irritated her as she watched .
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