Example sentences of "[that] [noun prp] [vb past] up " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's not quite as easy as that , ’ she said , her voice so full of sympathy that Dana looked up in alarm .
2 ‘ Are you suggesting that Barney made up his mind to kill Angy and cold-bloodedly chose a method that would throw suspicion on someone else ?
3 The suspicion that Keynes picked up his ideas from R. F. Kahn or other members of the ‘ Cambridge circus ’ is laid to rest , and his intuitive leap into the theory of effective demand dated to the summer of 1932 .
4 The waist is real narrow — there 's a little belt there that Marie tied up .
5 All she could think of was that they 'd all been in on this — a kind of family Mafia , working behind the scenes to make sure that Lucenzo ended up with everything , his empire untouched .
6 Fleet diesel sales grew by 15.6 per cent last year , and Brookman naturally wants it known that Peugeot picked up the lion 's share .
7 The reader thus gets both the historian's-eye view and a stage-by-stage account of the death of the multinational federation that Tito set up in 1945 and ruled until his death in 1980 .
8 It was on an earlier trip to Germany that Brenda took up the challenge to pass her bike test .
9 Dierdriu said , ‘ I am not going to tell you that , Fergus , ’ and there was a wariness in her tone now , so that Fergus looked up , startled .
10 The steam seemed to have cleared a little and Lucien could see that Walterkin sat up straight against the far wall , his knees raised , his hands dangling between them .
11 They looked into each other 's eyes , Kate 's now full of warmth and such love that Ace picked up each of her hands , and solemnly kissed them .
12 He said this with such hatred that Oliver woke up from fear .
13 But then should I also have said that Oliver rang up the next day and asked if I 'd liked them ?
14 TOMORROW , the day of the London Marathon , Christians will think also of another crowded journey into the capital city , the last time that Jesus went up to Jerusalem with pilgrims from Galilee to take part in the Passover festival , which commemorated the escape of their ancestors from slavery in building the pyramids of Egypt .
15 Right , I 've just got a , two or three minutes , I 've just wan na get something quickly done before we , we close and I 'm not gon na look up all the references , because your get them for next week any way in , in the house group , but , now , now in a sense it 's difficult to understand to take all this in after all his God and were people , how do we understand Jesus , it 's , it 's difficult , however knowing something about them does help us to understand something important , it helps us to understand what happened when Jesus ascended , when he went back to heaven , you see when Jesus arose from the earth the , the disciples who watch him it says there in Acts chapter one , they saw him go up in to the heaven , up into you know in a cloud , have you ever thought what that really means what on earth was it , they saw him go up in a cloud , can you image a sort of great clouds coming and dropping down over the mountain top there and was suddenly whisking Jesus up and then watching Jesus going up in this cloud into the sky , I do n't really think it was quite like that , have you ever wonder why it was that Jesus went up in a cloud , you see what was he doing , he was n't beginning a journey to some far off place in the universe , some distant corner where God the father was , he was n't doing that at all , what do you think a cloud can you , give any suggestions of what a cloud might represent because very often a lot of some of the language in the bible is picture language and it , it , it speaks as something else , what do , what do you think a cloud , does any body have suggestions of what a cloud might speak to us about , or speak to us of , sorry , power yeah , any thing else
16 It may well have been with mixed feelings that Hamilton gave up Painshill and its burdens after some thirty-five years .
17 There 's a lingering smell of machine oil in the room , and I see that Victor got up early to strip and clean his gun .
18 Well , that Arthur turned up at last and the vicar married them , but afterwards me sister let Arthur know just 'ow she felt , she chucked the whole weddin' cake at 'im , then 'er bokey an' then a full bottle of port .
19 I 've just read in the Yorkshire Post this morning that ‘ it is believed that Batty picked up 500,000 notes when he signed for Blackburn ’ besides a lucrative salary around double his Leeds pay packet .
20 The Assembly , which met in Prague , Czech and Slovak Federal Republic , 1–11 September , also recommended that CEC set up a committee on communication to consider the communication needs of the churches .
21 However , the word can equally be translated ‘ to recapitulate ’ , meaning that Christ summed up all things in himself .
22 Later confiding that she was surprised that Kiefer turned up at all that day , the same press officer admits she was doubtful about the interview from the off .
23 Even more at odds with the ‘ hands off ’ policies of Sir Keith Joseph is the list of policy objectives that Jenkin drew up last autumn as a guide to help civil servants .
24 It was along this thread of a path that Mary made up her mind to go .
25 It was estimated by the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) that Iraq was holding up to 40,000 Iranian PoWs ( more than half of them unregistered as such ) and that Iran held up to 70,000 Iraqi PoWs ( of whom some 50,000 were registered ) .
26 Most scholars , both Soviet and Western , have thought that Nepmen sprang up from nowhere like mushrooms under the gentle economic rain of NEP .
27 ‘ Eddy , ’ he said sharply , leaning forwards and bringing the front legs of his chair down onto the floor with a crash , so that Bob looked up startled .
28 ‘ But it raises fewer objections than the first theory , that he came in half-naked and armed with a razor and yet there are no obvious signs that Berowne put up any resistance . ’
29 Suffice it is to say that Woferl jumped up on the Empress 's lap , put his arms round her neck and kissed her heartily .
30 And the plants that Thorn-EMI set up to press the discs will remain in mothballs .
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