Example sentences of "[that] [noun prp] [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 Even that Chanel suit she got in Paris ca n't disguise all the weight she 's put on .
2 She seldom wore the pretty dresses or smart suits that Scarlet bought her , preferring her rags .
3 And it was in this room , quietly and simply , that Morse told her of the death of Theodore Kemp , considering , in his own strange fashion , that it was perhaps not an inappropriate time for her to know .
4 He spoke with such calm practicality that Isabel felt her resolve harden .
5 His long fingers held her in a grip that Isabel knew she could not escape without hurting herself — and probably not even then .
6 There was so much enraged violence in the action that Isabel knew she had missed being hurled across the church by that powerful arm only because of fitzAlan 's self-control .
7 The pleasure was so intense that Isabel thought she was going to swoon .
8 It was in the boot-and-brushing room that Nicandra found her at last — after a search through the larders , the dairy , and the empty laundry , its warm steam now subsided into a vaporous chill .
9 It was with a little fillip of surprise that Pascoe realized she had n't recognized his voice .
10 All the same , if it happened that David made her with child , she would bear the child proudly , and be glad that she had brought him a degree of happiness .
11 What was the point of living , let alone Christmas , now that Meredith ignored her ?
12 The corridor that led from the transmat booth had a tiled floor , and plastered walls covered with a mural that Bernice felt she might be able to understand after three or four big glasses of strong rum .
13 It was not until a long time afterwards that Catriona thought she understood the reason Sarah seemed young , which was simple : she looked directly at everyone and let them look back at her .
14 ‘ It was to have children that Allah put her on this earth .
15 But , quite inexplicably , she 'd hated the thought that Lucenzo found her unappealing .
16 Her cousin Liz had always said that Ross reminded her of a ferocious , hungry lion gliding smoothly through the tall grass of life , looking for his supper !
17 Although the maternal recommendation was that Jane should see a psychiatrist or a priest , it transpired that Jane felt she had turned the corner simply by spilling out her innermost thoughts to her mother .
18 It was only when she reached the bedroom that Shannon realised she 'd forgotten to take her coffee with her .
19 The prosecution alleges that Gilfoyle killed her and tried to make it look like suicide .
20 The prosecution alleges that Gilfoyle killed her and tried to make it look like suicide .
21 It was n't until she turned away from the elms that Artemis realized she was not alone .
22 Leonora , afraid he 'd been about to order her to bed , assented so rapturously that Penry eyed her in amusement as he crossed to the stairs .
23 She whispered that Klaus told her she must take the message from me after I 'd read it .
24 I thought that Robert loved her and would n't mind her having lovers if she always came back to him .
25 Allie told me on the phone that Ted fed her , coming in and saying , ' 'Ere , Marge , have a nice bit of fish with some bread and butter . ’
26 She was so nervous and white-faced that Oliver asked her if she was ill .
27 Correctly feeling that Miranda thought she was being tiresome , she added , ‘ What counts in this tiff — as you call it — is the principle of the thing . ’
28 sometimes I think that Shirley thinks she would n't understand anyway , what she was writing .
29 It was not helpful , but she looked so beautiful in her blue muslin that Auguste forgave her instantly .
30 ‘ Oh yes , ’ said Maggie with such bleak sincerity that Phoebe knew she must go on .
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