Example sentences of "[that] [adv] [vb base] a " in BNC.

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1 The sort of windows that need little or nothing in the way of treatment are usually narrow slits of glass , small ovals , round , arched , stained and etched glass windows that only show a glimpse of the outside and are often unopenable anyway .
2 FMCG thinks it has found four preconditions that greatly enhance a merger 's chances of success .
3 This would give you four separate pictures that together form a set , linked by the same frames and the colour pink .
4 You can do the same using Oliver Neighbour 's The consort and keyboard music of William Byrd ( London , 1978 ) and the various records many now sadly deleted that together achieve a more nearly comprehensive coverage of those two repertories .
5 It is no coincidence that combat soldiers , particularly paratroops , wear camouflage uniforms that somewhat resemble a leopard 's spotted coat .
6 If at all possible select pairs that already have a track record for breeding .
7 It seems to me what actually happens if you think about it is that , is that technology and culture builds on trends that already have a natural foundation .
8 Management will be negotiating a 1 August pay settlement for those grades that normally have a pay review in August .
9 I 'm still terrified , even though McDunn 's on my side , because I can see he 's not so hopeful any more and if they take him off this I might get the bad cops , the ones that just want a confession and Christ I 'm in England , not Scotland , and despite the McGuire Seven and the Guildford Four they still have n't changed the law : down here you can still be convicted on an uncorroborated confession even if you try to retract it later .
10 [ Richard Long 's ] forms , the marks , the accidental decantations of sensitive strolls , do not possess the ‘ imperfection ’ of the natural , they are the archetypes of human sublimation that deliberately establish a certain landscape counterpoint , a kind of megalithic writing , but their elaboration is so cared for that it tends towards a dialectic not of oppositions but of alliances .
11 We skirted the now-notorious refreshment hut , which was marked off with those fluorescent orange ribbons that usually signal a particularly nasty accident , and which was now guarded by two policemen .
12 The truest lover that ever bestrode a horse ?
13 With me that rings a warning bell , since it 's one of those suspicious New Age buzzwords that always portend a scam or screwball notion such as crystal therapy or out-of-body travel .
14 ( 3 ) Analysis to detect known mutations that always cause a particular inherited disease or polymorphism ( for example , sickle cell anaemia , or the cystic fibrosis F508 deletion ) .
15 If you want special dishes with a difference that still have a sense of occasion and which are both tasty and good for you , then you could n't do better than choosing Tilda Basmati rice .
16 Rat-1 fibroblasts that constitutively express a chimaeric protein , comprising a full-length c-Myc polypeptide fused to part of the human oestrogen receptor ( Rat-1/c-Myc-ER cells ) , show demonstrable c-Myc activity only in the presence of β- oestradiol .
17 A consortium of banks in the town of St Etienne , near Lyon , launched the country 's third experiment with ‘ electronic cash ’ — terminals in shops that automatically debit a customer 's bank account .
18 Hemichordates are a primitive group that probably share a common ancestor with the chordates ( including vertebrates ) .
19 They 're joined by up to 16,000 wildfowl that also enjoy a winter break here .
20 Bookmarks that also carry a message can be very popular , giving you an opportunity to research the enormous and fascinating language of flowers .
21 When asked how ICI rates alongside the big oil companies that also have a large ingtegrated stake in petrochemicals , Carey points to the company 's long-standing partnership with Phillips Petroleum in the PIP refinery on the North Tees site which is part and parcel of the complex .
22 The history of the past 30 years in brewing has been dominated by the emergence of a handful of giant national companies — Bass , Allied , Whitbread , GrandMet/Watney , Courage , and Scottish & Newcastle — driven by a need to maximise profit rather than concentrating on high quality products that also generate a good return .
23 It 's still a hot air story , and we give most hot air stories — some dignitary with no power to do anything to change the situation has ‘ called for ’ , ‘ demanded ’ , ‘ warned ’ or whatever — but the issue is so serious that it deserves notice : we have frequently highlighted the manner in which US — and European — anti-dumping measures that supposedly benefit a tiny minority are to the detriment of the vast majority , and there is now a groundswell of opinion at the US Department of Commerce that the International Trade Commission 's brief in considering charges of dumping should extend to a review of the impact of duties on consumers ; the current issue is the anti-dumping duties likely to be made permanent today on memory chip imports from South Korea , which are sought by Micron Technology Inc but opposed by both all memory chip users and by the US chip capital equipment manufacturers that sell to the South Koreans .
24 And the charge of the white brigade … the wallabies that really pack a wallop .
25 The events that immediately precede a strike are more accurately defined as the factors which serve to precipitate the ensuing conflict .
26 Young males that regularly harass a particular harem owner finally get accepted as a member of the harem .
27 He also cites a series of what he calls ‘ inverted spellings ’ that strongly suggest a ‘ flip-flop ’ lowering of /Ε/; to /a/ : these are also in the environments most affected in Belfast , namely polysyllables .
28 Contrast also grants priority to lexical expressions that conventionally convey a specific meaning .
29 Novotna really made Seles fight in a hard-hitting battle that surely set a new decibel record !
30 These are important for understanding anorexia nervosa because first , symptoms previously assumed to reflect primary psychopathology are now recognised as common to starving people whatever the cause and , second , starvation leads to secondary symptoms that then play a critical part in perpetuating the disorder .
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