Example sentences of "[that] [adv] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 If you want to en try and ensure that you 're going to have a self sustained community , one hundred percent , you make sure that presumably you 've got a show case cinema with fifteen screens there , er a B and Q , erm a whole range of of facilities that nobody ever needs leave , erm erm erm er that new settlement , the reality of the real world of course is that all settlements to a greater or lesser degree , er have a relationship with other er larger scale settlements , now then let's look at the new settlement , fourteen hundred dwellings , we estimate that that is going to be of the order of around three thousand three hundred people , now that is sizeable , it is not small , it is larger than a number of the small market towns er in North Yorkshire , like Boroughbridge , Settle , it is a significant development erm erm and within it erm there will be a requirement er be a requirement for a a a primary school , it justifies that .
2 A question I would ask is that given the product which you had in June and the fact that presumably you have to take what goes , presumably the fact that they do n't send you the strongest stuff erm are you surprised that the figures were down in view of the quality of what you had , or are you surprised it might not have been worse ?
3 You will be pleases to know that altogether we have raised £1,314.53 during 1987 and we take great pleasure in thanking you all most sincerely .
4 Aye , but I mean I notice it , it 's just that I 've been doing that job that longly you see , you follow me ?
5 The only thing that perhaps they do n't handle is that intermediate area , which the AC30 is very good at — where you can strike a chord and it 's distorted , but you can still hear what the chord is . ’
6 The qualities looked for in a higher civil servant are : intelligence ; fluency of mouth and pen , particularly in producing a persuasive argument and in composing a good ministerial speech ; the capacity to induce other people to carry out a policy that perhaps they do not much wish to carry out ; a political ‘ nose ’ ; the ability ( in a Department or a local or regional office ) to organise those beneath him or her ; and capacity for hard work ( many of those at the top work extremely hard ) .
7 And I think that perhaps we 've all learned a lesson from it , plus the fact that you 've er , had to climb out of an horrendous accident , but the fact that if you are still drinking at half past four in the morning , the last thing you should do at nine o'clock in the morning is get in the car and drive the damn thing .
8 I 'm not disputing that , I 'm simply saying that perhaps we have a management problem here where we could be doing things differently and I 'd like to hear some positive suggestions from housing officers as to how you can address that .
9 It is different from country to country , and I sometimes feel I mean I 'm not sure whether I 'm being unfair to our industry here , but it does seem to me that perhaps we have n't quite got our act together yet , we 're going in the right direction , but we have n't quite got there .
10 Dr ‘ Lawrence ’ The reward I think is knowing that perhaps you 've done your best for your patients and if the patient at the end of the day says ‘ thank you ’ … [ but ] you could do a lot more given the opportunity and time is the great factor here .
11 If for example you 've got a problem with productivity in your patch , erm because of the , the reasons we 've talked about , it does mean that perhaps you need to say to whoever has been , is off and doing other projects that they 'll have to stop doing that until you 've got the productivity up till you can release them back again .
12 actually saying is that perhaps you do n't need
13 One of the most frightening aspects of all intelligence agencies is the manner in which they create a totally false brand of patriotism in order to further a particular cause on the spurious grounds that only they understand what needs to be done and should not be asked to account or explain for any of their actions which must remain secret for all time .
14 They create a filing monstrosity that only they understand .
15 A quarrel ensues in which the television characters argue that they are more deserving of prayer than novelistic characters because the latter have a far longer life ; the characters from novels insist that only they need their existences reinforced because only they are in danger of losing their audience .
16 They are the sole buyers of some types of labour and materials for the goods and services that only they produce .
17 The hills are mine , and the living streams and the wind that breathes in the valley and the tiny white flowers that only I know because only I lie so close to the earth that I can see them move .
18 They are living at an address that only I know .
19 But how naughty of you to pluck her and set her in a vase that only you see !
20 When I offer you champagne you laugh in a way that only you have , like a stream all at once a delighted cascade into this deep swirling pool of warm humour .
21 erm we I mean we , we , we 've looked at the , the peasant tenant relationship erm and my , my opinion is that basically you know it was n't quite as bad as everyone 's made out erm but al okay we 're saying that warlords were , were very imperialistic and they were a huge fact to be considered but in Hunan and within the south erm eastern region say
22 I mean it , it would be very easy to say that basically you know I do n't know , the , the poor peasants banding around all peasants , you know Mao saw them and knew that this was where the , the core of erm the revolution
23 he , he , he lists er a wide range of things that basically you know should be banned or , or basically erm sh should be sort of cut down upon .
24 This means that you are entitled to due attribution where the work is used for some commercial product , display or other purpose and that basically you have the right to object to modification , distortion or any form of derogatory promotion of your work , unless of course you have sanctioned it !
25 Er er but I think that 's the , the theme that runs through the whole thing , especially when he 's talking about his fourteen great achievements , is the fact that basically I mean he 's trying to sell himself , as you said before , he 's a pretty lowly member at this , you know , erm at this case and there therefore obviously he 's out to make a name for himself .
26 Now what happened was originally that I lost compression on pistons three and four and it worked out there was a very thin channel from piston three to four on the head gasket and erm basically it ruined part of the engine and the whole report said that basically I want a new engine .
27 We 're not in any doubt that morally we 've all the rights and we believe we 're going to prove it .
28 A measure of your success in a coaching session is when the subordinate feels the discussion has been between two equals and that together you have arrived at the best course of action .
29 Yes there are certain considerations that obviously we take er we take into effect .
30 I can understand that obviously we 've got to be cautious about that sort of thing .
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