Example sentences of "[that] [adv] [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 … I mean a completely different development arising from computer logic but as unimaginable to us now as a Shakespearean character would have been to an oral-epic culture , and a different way of thinking about and rendering … all worldly phenomena , as revolutionary as the scientific spirit that slowly emerged out of the Renaissance and the Gutenberg galaxy .
2 But often , feminist psychologists draw parallels between the status of ‘ women ’ and ‘ black people ’ : a comparison that effectively leaves out black women .
3 And I would urge the panel to send out their proposed leaflet to the ministers in various areas where the educational standards are not very high that they may look at them and put forward suggestions so that the leaflet that eventually comes out will be understood by the whole of our people and not just by the most educated .
4 Avoiding their curious glances , she walked round to the hardware section and tried to shut her ears to the whispered conversations that suddenly broke out as soon as she was out of sight .
5 Early in this chapter it was pointed out that at the beginning of the century British governments adopted an approach of relief of unemployment that largely ruled out the creation of specific employment opportunities .
6 Older people are more susceptible to cold , in part because information from the brain in response to a lower blood temperature and a cool skin is acted upon less readily by the systems in the body that normally carry out those instructions .
7 Cos that thing that normally sticks out the top .
8 It 's something in me , she thought helplessly ; something new , something I do n't understand , something that just goes out to her .
9 Down the bottom that just goes out to the bottom and there 's a back
10 ‘ Real , or are they saying that just to keep out of trouble ? ’
11 And can the virtue that thus went out of the spiritual reality called England ever be restored ?
12 There was nothing at all in his touch but kindness and efficiency but she had to bite into her lip to stifle the urge to stroke the dark head that bent close to her and his hands on her skin sent melting sensations through her that utterly drowned out any slight pain from the sharp stones .
13 His early work about the alleys of Gamalliyya was fundamentally on the side of the revolution-the one that failed to dislodge the British in 1919 , and that finally threw out Farouk and brought Neguib and later Nasser to rule Egypt .
14 The cones are like prayer wheels or the white prayer flags of the Bhutanese that forever send out their messages of desolation on the telegraph of the wind .
15 They ran a fleet of slow , chain-driven lorries , a type that quickly went out of fashion in the ‘ twenties .
16 Europe ? well we could beat about the bush but there 's not a single rep on the road that ever gets out the office so got ta win it cos I actually saw I actually we I actually saw her go out and see a customer so she must she must be er
17 For all the pay rises in the world , the finest thing that ever came out of the pit was a bath .
18 I mean , the the Tories are ready , should n't they complete to environmental issues , whereas every every public consultation or survey that ever carried out , demonstrates every time , that the public are very concerned that they 're , of the environment and they will put it at the top of the list , and I think our con the environment by having a dedicated Environment Officer proves our positive er commitment to the environment .
19 ‘ Not only do I have Penny 's word for it , but I happened to see Nicky on television last night , participating in a chat show that always goes out live from a studio just two blocks away from our own building here . ’
20 The Department of the Environment has recently introduced the Duty of Care with a code of practice that clearly lays out the responsibility of businesses to manage their waste correctly .
21 The two messages that clearly ring out to the rest of the world from western inaction are that
22 I 'd like to try it straight to see how it looks and I 've heard there is a shampoo that temporarily smooths out the perm .
23 Apparently convinced that I was behind the ABC and NBC stories and the media follow-up around the world , they blew my cover in a television broadcast that also went out around the world .
24 The development of Clayton 's first course — a guinea fowl terrine with apple , celery and shallot dressing — is typical of many that now come out of kitchen .
25 It was Rodrigo 's actions that now stood out in the notice of the people : it was El Cid 's name they called in the streets .
26 122 miles you 've just pushed this seven and a half ton truck I believe yet what was the one moment that really stood out or really got you going ?
27 It did n't really happen overnight , I guess , but through the MainMan News , MainMan kind of mushroomed into this enormous spending machine that really got out of control and I think was a very destructive influence on everyone that was involved . ’
28 So for example if I was doing Saint Paul 's I 'd say right erm erm I 'm a building in the City of London , very old , very big and extremely famous on of the most obvious things that really stand out about me is my very large domed roof with a little cross on top of it .
29 Probably the best place to start is Murlough Bay , reached by one of those narrow , winding roads that unnervingly dips out of sight so you wonder whether it continues or not .
30 We 've er , at the moment we 're in a campaign of letter writing where we 've got er a body of people that regularly send out letters to er all the different government officials in Vietnam and to the Embassy in er London .
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