Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [was/were] have " in BNC.

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1 Now the editors have picked out some plums to make up a poets ' special - from Eliot and Auden , through Allen Ginsberg ( 'I think it was about the same time that I was having these Blake visions ' ) to John Ashbery and the delightful Elizabeth Bishop .
2 ‘ I just said that I was having a drink with her to ask her what she would really like as a wedding present from the firm , because men are no good at that sort of thing . ’
3 Eventually a rumour began to go around that I was having an affair with one of my friends ' husband .
4 I went to visit her just for a coffee or something , and she started saying , after a lot of stuttering , that I was having an affair with her husband .
5 He had noticed that I was having difficulty reading my scripts during rehearsal .
6 I was happy that I was having my own baby but sometimes I used to cry for nothing and I was easily upset .
7 I realized that I was having to struggle not to be nice to him .
8 Normally he would n't touch a job as small as the cottage , but I once did a favour for his father , and when I mentioned that I was having trouble finding someone to do the job he volunteered . ’
9 That I was having an affair with Florian ?
10 You knew before you shut your door in my face last night that I was having second thoughts ! ’
11 It 's not it 's not out of choice entirely because er the business that I was has , has gone very very badly over the last eighteen months
12 Since I knew that I was to have the privilege of addressing this seminar , I have studied with great textual care the document issued by the federation under the title Dear Fellow Citizen because it appeared to me that it was ‘ the brief ’ for what I was to say to you .
13 She found that she was having to wear more and more make-up to cover — these blemishes .
14 The character of a woman may be attacked in ways other than an explicit recounting of her past sexual relationships or , indeed , that she was having sexual relationships .
15 Her companions alerted theatre staff when it became clear that she was having difficulty breathing .
16 Sometimes she dreamed that she stood in the dock of some great court , accused of terrible crimes , at others that she was having to use all her skill to free Anthony of a capital charge and failing .
17 Loren seemed to have desperation in her eyes , and the good time that she was having was a fierce one .
18 If Mrs Grey had found that she was having twins in the delivery room , I think she would have quickly changed her mind about the usefulness of scans .
19 Meredith lowered her head to hide the fact that she was having to swallow away the dryness in her throat .
20 While it was n't exactly a cheerful tone , it was more animated than Faye had been since she first admitted that she was having trouble with her eyes , and Belinda knew that she would tell her husband about the problem as soon as they were alone .
21 It has even refused to injunct a magazine which had published an allegation it could not justify , where it might succeed at trial for other reasons : Soraya Kashoggi sought an injunction to withdraw " Woman 's Own " from circulation when it published a statement that she was having an extra-marital affair with a Head of State .
22 I th there was , there was one big point that I actually missed out as well that neither of you have picked up on and that was that Maggie actually said that they were having problems with John in school and I should 've come back and , and said well she di she actually said that she was having problems with John , full stop , and I should 've actually come back and , and clarified whether it was at school or not and hence led to the private education and I missed that one completely and realized that I 'd done it afterwards but none of you picked up on that one .
23 As the weeks had gone by the other girl had dropped more and more blatant hints about the fact that she was having an affair with her employer .
24 He had no idea that she was mortally afraid of the way his nearness was making her heart pound completely out of control , no idea that she was having to exert every ounce of self-control she possessed to stop herself reaching out to him , no idea of how desperately she loved him .
25 She had to acknowledge that she was having extremely strong feelings for her enigmatic boss — feelings that were defying her ability to control them .
26 Pauline O'Brien said : ‘ He told me that his wife was leaving him and that she was having a baby that was not his .
27 Davies , Strudwick and Johnson persuaded Nicholas to hand in her resignation because they could see that she was having an impossible time of it .
28 Yeah but she should have know ages ago that she was having twins .
29 That you were having an affair — had been for some time . ’
30 And the , the water to bathe in came from the local river and er it was very very sandy and it just looked like mud that you were having to get in and do your bath .
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