Example sentences of "[that] [prep] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Er now let me ask the Planners whether they see that as the way in which they would be trying to operate this policy through the local plan .
2 Artemis knew that from the way the woman had sighed .
3 ‘ I guessed that from the way you treated me yesterday .
4 And I can tell that from the way you responded to me last night .
5 I could tell that from the way he was fishing around — he got that panting , thirsty .
6 I could see that from the way his knuckles whitened around the telephone .
7 He 'd probably never been to Brixton before — I could tell that from the way he was sinking down in the back of Armstrong the farther along Effra Road we got .
8 Children should see that from the way I act , not from what I tell them to think ’ .
9 Charity agreed coolly that in a way she supposed it was .
10 Strange that in a way he would like to be her friend even more than her lover .
11 The funny thing was that in a way the old fart was right .
12 And I suppose you could say that in a way it it worked .
13 ‘ Oh , well then , that in a way will be a pity , at least for us , because the proposition that Annabel indicated in her letter is to do with a post for you . ’
14 Daniel thought that in a way this was what Marcus had appeared to want , to be present yet absent and unconsidered .
15 Erm I , I think it was er you know a good thing that in a way that it was parted and made er staff , you know , training officer and business you know , sort of thing .
16 We 've just had a golf course defined as a strategic issue and I think that in a way goes goes goes to the heart of what this is what this is all about .
17 Therefore you will need to rewrite that in a way which mean something to modern erm , readers .
18 And sexual harassment towards a woman does , I think , confirm that in a way , as Suzy says , it does n't for a man .
19 This latter undertaking was , however , independent of and severable from that of the shareholders and there was no reason why it should not be enforceable by the shareholders among themselves as a personal agreement that in no way fettered TBL in the exercise of its statutory powers .
20 It was that in no way was I going to bring a coffin from Stoke-on-Trent to Llandderfel on the roof-rack of a Metro and that they were driving north for the weekend and would stop off and pick it up on the way home .
21 I have to say that in no way will this option be better than the colour changer , because for Norwegian jacquard , you will still have to make a semi-automatic colour change with the jacquard claw every two rows and this is slower .
22 Worse than that would be success by means that in no way reflect the need for a radical , popular paper . ’
23 The two divers , Chief Petty Officer Carrington and Petty Officer Grant , were curiously alike , both aged about thirty , of medium height and compact build : both were much given to smiling , a cheerfulness that in no way detracted from their almost daunting aura of competence .
24 Nor do I believe that it can be said that in no way can we disentangle ourselves from the religious myth which we have inherited .
25 Your author wishes to make clear that in no way are any aspersions being cast upon the firms involved .
26 After that she would make her way back to her aunt , her mission a failure , because she now knew that in no way would Silas be persuaded to go cap in hand to Bertha .
27 It should be noted that in no way does the TDA 1968 enhance the consumer 's contractual rights ( s35 ) , its aim simply being to ensure , by criminal sanctions that the consumer is not misled .
28 They explained that in no way could it have come from the plant because it had the best preventive system for any smell , dust or poisonous substances that might otherwise destroy the environment .
29 But he emphasizes very strongly that in no way does this mean that there is no longer scope for their further development , or that their return to profitability is a flash in the pan , to be reversed whenever the next downturn comes .
30 Erm where I have to qualify my my support is is , and and I do particularly want to stress that in no way would I accept the exceptions policy as a substitute to an appropriate increase in the employment alloca allocation for Selby District .
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