Example sentences of "[that] [modal v] have [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She has to turn to Thomas J for friendship in a bitter-sweet comedy that 'll have you reaching for the hankies in no time .
2 She was not about to be drawn into any argument with the count and she was shakily aware that any of her usual remarks would bring swift retaliation , probably spectacular aerobatics that would have her screaming and confessing madly to the sin of femininity .
3 There , she stamped hard on a bolt of panic that would have her turning swiftly about , and made herself press the porcelain doorbell .
4 You give a good firm aid that would have your youngster wandering gently off to the left and suddenly find yourself falling off the side because the old hand did a sharp left turn !
5 A good one can deal calmly and quickly with situations that would have you losing sleep , your patience , and perhaps the house .
6 This thick tash must be accompanied by a large cigar and the refusal to go to any club that would have you as a member • Nabisco takes over disco as this year 's club theme .
7 Unix System Laboratories Inc is working towards a schedule that will have its distributed system management scheme out before the Open Software Foundation 's rival Distributed Management Environment .
8 ‘ I hope to be in the theatre somewhere if I can find one that will have me . ’
9 He thinks that he can lure me into making a statement that will have him attempting to give a poor man 's reading of ’ Erskine May ’ and saying that he wants me to lay the document before the House .
10 A nail-biter that will have you chewing down to the second knuckle .
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