Example sentences of "[that] [modal v] be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the grassland , now thoroughly moistened , patches and rings of darker green grass that may be signs of underground fungal growth are materialising like watermarks .
2 The circular DNA molecules consist of short , repeating sequences called ALU , which flank unique sections that may be genes .
3 It includes the presence of other animals that may be predators or competitors for food , animals of other species that may communicate with it in finding food or raising an alarm , and individuals of its own species that interact with it in many ways , competitively , nepotistically , and in co-operation .
4 Bierwurst is a large German sausage that may be pork or pork and beef , has a fine texture and is usually spiced with peppercorns and white mustard seed .
5 You will need to consider , not just your future retirement income , but also any extras that may be part and parcel of your existing company scheme : an early retirement option ; a pension before normal age were you to become ill ; protection for your dependants should you unexpectedly die .
6 Patients with alcoholic liver disease exhibit many biochemical abnormalities and clinical complications that may be cytokine mediated such as fever , neutrophilia , hypergammaglobulinaemia , and increased production of acute phase reactants including CRP .
7 mortgage – ( to ) ( for ) , give sb a claim on ( property ) as a security for payment of a debt or loan : – a house ( to sb for $40000 ) ; land that may be –d. n act of mortgaging ; agreement about this : raise a – ( on one 's house ) from a bank .
8 TOMATO CONTINUE to impress with a pair of releases that may be label mates but , in relationship to each other , go no further than holding hands .
9 Better known since cheap domestic models became available these are valuable and indispensable tools that should be part of every food operation .
10 Bad organization is responsible for an excess of meetings because decisions that should be routine become unclear and demand further discussion , sometimes as a matter of urgency .
11 A fourth and perhaps the largest reason for attending to causation is that we do well to avoid the general conceptual uncertainty that must be part of an inquiry which leaves undefined any of its fundamental ideas which are open to definition .
12 He walks past barricades which have been torn down ; he sees black pools that must be blood ; houses have their blinds hanging like rags from a single nail .
13 A strip of bare earth to the left of the drive contains three black lumps of metal that might be car engines , and part of a rusting harrow .
14 But there has to be something to trigger the interest in the first place and whatever that is and however mild a form that might be lust , lust might be a more extreme form of it , but there has to be something to interest you in the first place , before you can go on to love , to knowing more about the person and having this in love feeling develop into love .
15 He could remember so much , he had clear pictures of whole days spent at Ecalpemos , whole conversations recorded that could be rerun in his head .
16 But common monetary , defence , foreign or social policies will be hopelessly ineffective if designed to fit all 20 or so countries that could be members of the EC by the end of the century .
17 On the one hand , it is natural to think of the world outside mind as consisting solely of particulars : the only things that could be general would be ideas .
18 He began to rake the shadows , furious he could not set a light ; his eyes were keener underwater than in this dark , all shapes around him were phantoms edged in blue in the starlight , but he saw no bundle among the sleeping men that could be Sycorax , no body that was Ariel 's .
19 the way things are going that could be years
20 I was a Sunday School teacher erm when I was in my secondary school and I wondered what God would want me to do with my life when I left school and I thought maybe he wants me to be a missionary and I thought it was only teachers and doctors that could be missionaries I was wrong was n't I ?
21 Firstly , I would recommend trying to identify whether he has a contact dermatitis and avoid whatever is identified that could be soaps , detergents , perfumes , some materials such as wool or nylon or leather or the dyes used with them .
22 Say , that one 's Well if that one was if that one was U that would be D U or if this one was V , that would be D V and
23 Why does the books business still have sale or return , a practice that would be anathema to other fast-moving consumer goods industries ?
24 It is not a matter for a local authority , and Michael talks about employing the Money Project Officer to erm get in rent arrears and so on ; this is the job of the officers who we pay large sums of money to , it is not the job to have someone special to do it , and in any case that would be peanuts compared with his salary .
25 And the first part of it that would be staff comments .
26 Our next stop comprises a pair of gems that would be world famous were they more amenably located , but that would be to detract from the peerless setting in which both Aldeburgh and Thorpeness golf clubs find themselves .
27 Whatever comments were made in the heat of the negotiations at Maastricht , there can be no doubt that those who wish to invest in Europe will want to invest in countries that will be part of the economic and monetary union and not in countries outside it .
28 I E we 're not er we 're not the erm the interest and dividend we will be making cash amounts cash payments to read equal to the amounts we actually get from B-Sky-B as and when we get them , but we will therefore accrue them as income and the payments we 've made will be payments that will be part of the cost of the investment .
29 Struggling to hold back tears , Mr Parry added : ‘ If my son becomes a symbol for peace and gives everyone a new sense of hope after so much tragedy , then that will be Tim 's unique achievement . ’
30 Struggling to hold back tears Mr Parry said : ‘ If my son becomes a symbol for peace … then that will be Tim 's unique achievement .
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