Example sentences of "[that] [be] taken for " in BNC.

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1 I think that the things that are taken for granted
2 I think that the things that are taken for granted at home , make a deeper impression upon children than what they are told .
3 Culture , on the other hand , refers to more deep-rooted assumptions , beliefs and values which are often on a preconscious level , things that are taken for granted .
4 However , many have argued that the dependency perspective failed to explain how the practices of the TNCs and those who act as their agents in the Third World actually operated to produce underdevelopment , particularly where something like the kinds of development that are taken for granted in the First World have occurred regionally or in particular industries in some Third World countries .
5 ‘ Many parents are unemployed and the children have learned to go without many things that are taken for granted in other areas , ’ she said .
6 The ‘ natural ’ deviance that is taken for granted as a human capability in the postclassical perspective is precisely that — a capability , not an inevitability .
7 The provision of free education up to University level is something that is taken for granted .
8 Is it about time that the Government took the opportunities of our youngest children seriously , gave their parents the opportunities that they are looking for and made sure that children receive the very best start , which is something that is taken for granted in other European countries ?
9 By 1959 they were a joke and the title of a film which simply stated a philosophy that was taken for granted .
10 The symbols had a tinge of feminine superiority , an aura of vast power that was taken for granted .
11 A lifelong member of the Oxford Cottage Improvement Society , Violet Butler joined the Charity Organization Society 's local branch , and her links with the Christian Social Union encouraged in her the unsectarian broad-church outlook that was taken for granted within a family so deeply influenced by Thomas Arnold , T. H. Green , and Henry Scott Holland [ qq.v . ] .
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