Example sentences of "[that] [adv] we [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 You will be pleases to know that altogether we have raised £1,314.53 during 1987 and we take great pleasure in thanking you all most sincerely .
2 And I think that perhaps we 've all learned a lesson from it , plus the fact that you 've er , had to climb out of an horrendous accident , but the fact that if you are still drinking at half past four in the morning , the last thing you should do at nine o'clock in the morning is get in the car and drive the damn thing .
3 I 'm not disputing that , I 'm simply saying that perhaps we have a management problem here where we could be doing things differently and I 'd like to hear some positive suggestions from housing officers as to how you can address that .
4 It is different from country to country , and I sometimes feel I mean I 'm not sure whether I 'm being unfair to our industry here , but it does seem to me that perhaps we have n't quite got our act together yet , we 're going in the right direction , but we have n't quite got there .
5 We 're not in any doubt that morally we 've all the rights and we believe we 're going to prove it .
6 Yes there are certain considerations that obviously we take er we take into effect .
7 I can understand that obviously we 've got to be cautious about that sort of thing .
8 I was only going to agree with you actually , and I was just going to back-up what Michael said , and say that obviously we 've got people like Amnesty International , and I know it 's a very hard-working local branch , but obviously , the money it 's raised is going to benefit people overseas .
9 I will be very brief but just to welcome the fact that in we have been waiting for nearly fifty years
10 I i in the past our aim with land reform has been very largely erm we want to end feudalism and we want to maximize mobilization we , we 're now saying okay we , we still want to those , but we , we 've also got to ensure that somehow we have a land law which ensures that agriculture will play a role in China 's industrialization and so we will get maximum efficiency from the agricultural sector as well as mobilization , as well as ending feudalism .
11 I think we are all agreed that we should aim at keeping the moratorium in place , at least until the year 2000 — I wo n't go into the reasons for that choice — and that meanwhile we do n't necessarily have to try to resolve the ideological problems .
12 We do the same for the submatrix bordered by the first row and column , and so on , so that finally we reach the unit matrix as the canonical form for A. It is to be observed that , since in using elementary operations I ( i , j ) , I(k) , I(l) on A we are effectively at each stage multiplying together determinants neither of which vanishes , the reduction of A to I must be possible when A is on-singular .
13 Then f may now be written as the quadratic form of which the matrix is the leading minor of A of order b — 1 , and we may deduce , corresponding to ( 22 ) , unc Now , by putting unc we establish a similar result for unc and so on , so that finally we establish that unc From ( 21 ) it is clear that a necessary and sufficient condition that f shall be positive is that Di shall be positive , all i .
14 We 're helped to recognize what has happened through doing things that usually we do not do .
15 Right , well following that then , is it agreed that also we write to both the Secretary of State and our local M Ps ,
16 It is not the case that whenever we become a member of a civil society , a body politic , that we are so to speak signing the social contract erm think of it erm a little bit like erm a social club erm East Biddock Old Comrades Club was actually established in the way Locke describes , you know , a group of citizens of East Biddock came together and decided to establish a social club subsequently of course all sorts of people are admitted to membership of East Biddock Old Comrades Club but that as a process which , although very similar to the original contract of establishment , is n't actually erm the same , you know , they 're not actually re-establishing the civil society , they 're joining one that already exists .
17 It 's not always that way , but we are absolutely sick and tired of it and it 's about and sisters , that whenever we come across it , we make sure that those people do n't continue that type of harassment .
18 Yes , colleagues , er colleagues who 've attended conference before will know , that whenever we come to a conference town to have our Congress , we always like to leave something behind as a gift to the local community .
19 Our change of practice in no longer regarding previous decisions of this House as absolutely binding does not mean that whenever we think a previous decision was wrong we should reverse it .
20 Now , although the idea that whenever we see that someone is in pain we make an inference from behaviour to feeling is about as mythical as the idea that at some time in the past we made a Social Contract , the ‘ argument from analogy ’ line of reasoning seems much less implausible here than in the ‘ Afternoon on the Sun ’ case .
21 The paradox of diversion is that whenever we want to divert something it proves very hard to do so ; but when we do not want to create a diversion we very often end up by diverting more than we wanted .
22 Let us now impose the restriction that whenever we perform an elementary postmultiplying operation to make up Q , we premultiply by the inverse operation to make up P , so that
23 We may know from experience that whenever we have two equivalent bonds related by symmetry ( a 2-fold axis C 2 , a mirror plane σ or an inversion center i ) , their motions combine to give symmetric and antisymmetric stretching vibrations .
24 As you may know the agreement has been the subject of some discussion , but I hope that now we have a form of words which recognises the interests of both parties to the agreement .
25 So , Mr Silver , what you are saying is that NOW we have money spare ( minus a class player … but a minor point ) .
26 The isolation of Germany , by itself , in the middle of Europe , has led to two world wars , I think that now we have the opportunity to bind Germany in , a united Germany within the European Community , and within trans-Atlantic institutions , we must take our opportunities .
27 We consider ourselves civilized but this NI reports that often we treat native people barbarically , plundering their land and resources .
28 What I would suggest you always bear in mind is that nowadays we have at our disposal a far wider range of materials than any of the early masters .
29 Tragically , as our old people disappear from our midst so that increasingly we do not notice them , the old adage ‘ out of sight out of mind ’ comes into its own .
30 To celebrate the release of Marty 's new album , Jackson have asked us to give away the new ‘ Marty Friedman ’ Signature model , which is so new that even we have n't seen it yet .
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