Example sentences of "[that] [pron] do not " in BNC.

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1 I am afraid that I must say frankly that I do not think I can open the columns of the Q.R. — at any rate , at present — to any one associated publicly with such a publication as Blast .
2 However , I confess that I do not believe a party , any more than the society which it serves , can fail to suffer if it knowingly allows institutions to fall more and more out of correspondence with contemporary needs .
3 THIS is such a delicious offering , of the kind that makes you chuckle in recollection on the way home , that I do not really want to give the game away by saying too much about what goes on .
4 The issue is philosophical , but it is so central to the analysis of behaviour that I do not think it can be avoided .
5 As a member of the ‘ shadow board ’ of the Football League , with whom the Professional Footballers ' Association have no quarrel , propriety demands that I do not take sides in the dispute between the Premier League and the PFA .
6 ‘ I am afraid that I do not understand ! ’ he exclaimed .
7 ‘ I imagine so ; there was certainly a big turnover … perhaps the answer to that question ought to be that I do not know .
8 For once , here is a project that I do not want to know more about .
9 I would not have you think that I do not recognise the superiority of your own fine ear and finer taste .
10 I repeat that I do not believe that the principal cause of last week 's riots was the conduct of the police .
11 I would like to point out that I do not hunt myself so feel I have a balanced point of view .
12 Having sung the praises of swimfeeders I must point out that I do not think they are the be-all and end-all of barbel fishing , specially for the very big ones .
13 By that I do not mean than one can not pin them down to set feeding patterns on specific waters .
14 Apart from that I do not know anything about it .
15 Upon being asked why he shed tears , he replied , ‘ It is indeed true that I do not know a word of the Gita .
16 In this regard I can boast a kind of virtue , in that I do not gamble .
17 I would also stress that I do not claim any special archival expertise .
18 HEAVEN is my witness that I do not want to be unfair to British Telecom , so I must , with frank and honest gaze , report that I have had several letters saying that I am up the pole in carrying on about the method of charging recently mentioned in this column .
19 I have made mention elsewhere of the sense that warns us of impending danger , and will not labour the subject further beyond stating that this sense is a very real one and that I do not know , and therefore can not explain , what brings it into operation .
20 They called the film they made about me Too Long a Winter , and I have to declare immediately that I do not care for winter at all , for neither mind nor body agrees with it .
21 This is not because it is so special or secret that I do not want to divulge it — indeed the patient will remember it quite well for himself — but because I do not want him to listen to that tape at some future date and begin to regress himself when I am not there to take charge of the situation .
22 This does not mean that I do not believe in the existence of genuine déjà vu experiences — indeed I have already shown that I do .
23 So many of our dreams , however , are mixtures of fact and fantasy that I do not feel any great reliance can be placed on what seem to be insights into our former lives when we are asleep .
24 If others point out to me that I always shirk opportunities to get something which I earnestly insist that I desire more than anything else in the world , I shall be persuaded to relinquish it as an end only if on reflection I am forced to admit to myself that I do not feel about it as strongly as I supposed .
25 ( If my private test convinces me that I do not want what you think I want , I assume error in your reading of me the public tests , which I must expose or leave you unanswered . )
26 ‘ I take it so much to heart , ’ he mourned , ‘ that I do not get on better . ’
27 ‘ I only know that there is more that I do not know than that I know , , I answered .
28 Will confirm that I do not lie ,
29 I must explain that I do not like combined heater stats ; in general I find that the heater part packs up within a year , as , regrettably do modern heaters , and I would rather throw away a £5 heater than a £10 plus heater stat .
30 Despite this , less money is spent in direct support of our national squads , both men and women , than in many other less wealthy tennis nations , and far too much money is frittered away in areas that I do not believe are the LTA 's responsibility and , in some cases , this actually damages the cause of tennis in Britain .
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