Example sentences of "[that] [pron] would [be] " in BNC.

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1 The company 's advisers , Baring Brothers , believe that nothing would be served by making Sir Derek a scapegoat at this stage .
2 Miss Fogerty assured her that nothing would be disclosed and slipped out of the side door .
3 Despite the well-deserved victory against the Premier League outfit , Cambridge chairman Reg Smart said that nothing would be announced for at least another 24 hours .
4 The prosecuting counsel said that nothing would be heard to criticise the victim 's character , who was timid and nervous .
5 Dismally she thought that nothing would be the same again .
6 He also urged party members not to resign over the issue , pointing out that nothing would be gained from such action .
7 If an upwave was due , it was inevitable that thee would be bad debts , and Money Advice would be needed to help .
8 The Government 's first intention was to expand radio so that everyone would be able to receive it easily .
9 Mr Williams predicted that everyone would be happy with the service provided on the ship which has been upgraded as part of a £6m investment throughout the line 's car ferry fleet .
10 Mr Williams predicted that everyone would be happy with the service provided on the ship which has been upgraded as part of a £6m investment throughout the line 's car ferry fleet .
11 But Jane insists she 's still a Gazza fan … and that no-one would be happier than her if he put his troubles behind him and established himself as the best , as well as the most talked about , footballer in the world .
12 There were no decent men on my own horizons and I already feared that I would be spending my life alone .
13 I was told that I would be given the money when I got to Singapore .
14 She had no idea that I would be in this area .
15 But I also realized that I would be exceedingly lucky to keep my existing road and rail budgets , let alone add massive new expenditure .
16 When the girl at the reception desk discovered that I would be leaving early in the morning , she insisted on refunding £2 , since I would be on the road before she arrived to cook breakfast .
17 ‘ I have made , ’ says Lars Von Trier , the film 's Danish director , ‘ a film that I would be afraid to see . ’
18 Knowing that I would be returning to work when ( my second baby ) was three months old , I acquired a battery-operated breast pump , as this time I was determined to express at lunch time to keep my supply going .
19 I was beginning to think that I would be going home fishless when I found myself singing , ‘ He shall feed his flock ’ ; and fell to musing upon how well I would be able to feed five , let alone five thousand , given the reluctance of the fish to show even a snout above the surface .
20 I decided that I would have to get to the Butcher 's office first or at least early on in the queue so that I would be barefoot for as short a time as possible .
21 I had tried to be first in order to get it over with quickly but now it was clear that I would be under the gaze of most if not all of the class .
22 I was doing things I knew that I would be doing properly in a few years .
23 ‘ I like the exercise and , besides , I have two friends down the road in a Land Rover , ’ I said , implying that I would be given a lift .
24 The wood opposite was smoking with dusk again and I was looking forward to seeing the orderly , when my door was opened and I was told that I would be moved across to the main camp at once .
25 They are not the reasons for the torture that I would be suffering in his place .
26 Unfortunately there was to be no 200 metres event , but there were some invitation events scheduled including a 60 metres , and having won that event at the Cosford Games I thought that I would be selected .
27 I have made it a point of honour to spare you moral blackmail of the ‘ Do you honestly suppose for a single moment that I would be capable of stooping to such beastliness ? ’ variety , and I shall not waver even at this supreme moment .
28 When I graduated in Economic and Social History from Bristol in 1982 I had no idea that I would be earning my living as a thatcher , one of the few women working in that field , some eight years later .
29 Fire extinguishers may seem a good idea , but there are so many types to be used for so many different sorts of fires that I would be nervous of escalating a fire , rather than killing it , by using the wrong type of extinguisher .
30 Even allowing for the cost of the curtain tape and cotton required , I calculated that I would be overcharged by £80 .
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