Example sentences of "[that] [pron] had to do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For nearly two years I did nothing , but as I had worked very hard very young , I had no feeling of guilt that I had to do something , because I had already proved that when I wanted to work , I could do it . ’
2 And that 's a bit like that erm the teaching skills that I had to do that time when I was on the course .
3 But I realized that I had to do something pretty dramatic to avoid too serious an accident .
4 Yes , I mean I run a series for one of the local newspapers on past Lewes mayors and the amount of work that I had to do for that meant that I picked up all sorts of pieces of information about what other mayors had tried in the past , and things that had been successful and things that had been disasters , and as it was the centenary I went to a lot of trouble to look up exactly what had happened a hundred years ago and to try and recreate the ceremonial connected with that , and then when we elected erm two people honourary freeman of the town I got in all of the other mayors from Sussex , asked them to come along with their robes and mace bearers and so on , and we had this very sort of grand ceremonial procession in the Assembly Hall , which was sort of packed out with about four hundred people .
5 Yes , I mean I run a series for one of the local newspapers on past Lewes mayors , and the amount of work that I had to do for that meant that I picked up all sorts of pieces of information about what other mayors had tried in the past , and things that had been successful and things that had been disasters , and as it was a centenary , I went to a lot of trouble to look up exactly what had happened a hundred years ago , and to try and recreate the ceremonial connected with that .
6 The occasion called for clichés , it was a dirty job that someone had to do .
7 No matter that it had been police business , and that someone had to do it , he had personally selected Phyllis Henley yesterday .
8 She told Annie that she had to do some shopping , then doubled back and waited .
9 One felt that one had to do one 's best .
10 I did n't know at that time what the content of the exhibition was because Sarah who organised it all had to write to lots of people and arrange the loans and you know it is fairly recently that we discovered for example the tate would lend , their pictures because its very rare that they do , erm , and , so we thought the next best thing , when I discovered the change of dates would be to have slides of the pictures that Sue was using , but erm oh dear then wonderful that Sue was using a another book and this term allocated and I was n't able to get the slides she picked , it was my fault that they 're not on slide due to the amount of time that we had to do this .
11 Now , because everything we did or said might have had some effect on John , I found it hard to relax about any aspect and always felt that we had to do more , be more efficient , keep up the pressure .
12 The main problem was that we had to do it with a RELIANT ROBIN three wheeler car , looking remarkably similar to Del Boy 's .
13 We told that we had to do some preliminary research for possible television programmes .
14 We explained that we had to do without them for the most part — and be tankful for the older ones and the women .
15 The work , work something something scheme and and they , they 'd refurbish it , all th th that we had to do was to pay for the materials , they provided the labour .
16 Many of those who went and fought for the Republicans were not always clear about why they were there , except that they felt a revulsion against fascism and a general feeling that they had to do something in the face of the frustrations of the 1930s .
17 Arthur found the reasons for this unfathomable , but took it that they had to do with a comparison to his own looks .
18 He and Levshin , his deputy , knew that they had to do something , but in 1856 their ideas were unambitious .
19 that they had to do there .
20 He wanted to stay in his own place but Jackie and Neville were nearly driven mad running up and down to Letchworth when all that they had to do , Jackie 's full time teaching and Nev is trying to build as many kitchens or build as many doors for millionaires as he possibly can .
21 It is most likely that it had to do with the extra fasts practised by the Pharisees and in this case the disciples of John the Baptist , who may have been mourning the death of their leader .
22 The fact that Follow Me was designed for broadcast meant that it had to do its own presentation , as it were , for home viewers .
23 Terry knew by the sound of his brother 's voice that he had to do as he was told .
24 Nicholas knew that he had to do something , but he was not sure what .
25 A group of refugees rescued from the war in Bosnia and brought to this country have been inundated with offers of help and accommodation.The six families were rescued by a headmaster , who saw pictures of the war on television and decided that he had to do something to help .
26 When Cliff went to Bangladesh he was already a member of Tear Fund but when he saw the suffering he felt that he had to do more and was ready to give up his singing career and follow his religious instincts to help these people .
27 He glanced at the clock and had a strange feeling that he had to do something — there was somewhere he ought to be .
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