Example sentences of "[that] [pron] had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The Queen commending his work , not only for the pains therein taken , said that nothing had given her so great delectation .
2 Hoping that nothing had gone wrong with the course of her friend 's romance , she turned around on the piano stool as she heard hard , firm footsteps walking along the terrace .
3 She had decided to pretend that nothing had happened .
4 It might be thought that this was an essential part of the cuckoo 's deception — that by leaving the same number of eggs in the nest , the cuckoo might fool the host bird into thinking that nothing had happened .
5 The presenter said she could only recall a few people , and volunteered the story of David Parkin throwing a glass of wine at his wife and how she had watched Maggie Parkin stalk out of the room trying to pretend that nothing had happened .
6 In the evening , after a snack rather than a meal , I went up to the loft and used the telescope to take a distant look at the island , making sure that nothing had happened to it while I rested inside the house .
7 But I I 'm I was rather disappointed that nothing had happened .
8 John Major , the Foreign Secretary , said in another BBC interview that nothing had changed since the EC Madrid summit last June : Britain would become a full member of the European Monetary System ( EMS ) when inflation fell to ‘ the approximate rate ’ of European competitors , and when France and Italy abolished exchange controls .
9 And then the moment had passed , and tall and tanned and fit in the sunshine she had walked down the green street with the gardens either side of her , and had known by an instinctive glance that her mother still lived there , that nothing had changed .
10 He could smell jasmine , garlic , turpentine , and , closing his eyes , he could cling to the illusion that nothing had changed .
11 It seemed that nothing had changed .
12 Yesterday he told the heads of such toffs ' schools as Eton and Marlborough that nothing had changed .
13 Plays about the fractured consciousness of working-class kids who had fought their way through the old class system , emerged on top , and still felt dissatisfied , still realizing that nothing had changed back where they came from , or where they had arrived .
14 In the meantime , it is likely that everyone had contracted the disease at some time or another in his or her life , and it proved fatal to those with the merest weakness whose bodies could not withstand its ravages .
15 It was clear that everyone had felt equally proprietorial about Philip .
16 The essential discovery , now that everyone had heard of Freud , was that guilt could be harnessed to salesmanship .
17 At 0810 he gathered his staff around him for the daily conference to discuss the day ahead , before taking the morning parade of those attending various courses at the school , to ensure that everyone had turned up for work .
18 I was afraid that everyone had lost their voices , er , it 's good to have a , a question .
19 In either event it would be assumed that everyone had perished .
20 I began to feel better now that everyone had forgotten the missing pie .
21 The air raids and gas attacks that everyone had feared did not take place but Anne and Sarah agreed that it was the small inconveniences of war that were hardest to bear .
22 Hamish had taken up the managerial place at the factory that everyone had expected would be Kenneth 's , when Kenneth had decided to teach .
23 When he was satisfied that he was all right and that no-one had heard him , he picked up the brown bag and moved into the safety of the trees .
24 In Genesis 50 , and more tentatively in 45 also , discoveries were made about forgiveness that no-one had seen in Genesis before .
25 I started playing about with it and later felt a real satisfaction of doing something with that girl 's head of hair that no-one had wanted to touch .
26 There was nearly a mile of dense woodland at this point before the swampy ground began and it was over an hour before Crane returned saying that no-one had passed on that side .
27 She stabbed a book with a dangerous index finger , and took herself back to her desk , to survey her class and see that no-one had taken a whiff of pot while her attention had been distracted .
28 They told chairman Michael Croucher that it was only by accident they had heard of the proposals and they were concerned that no-one had told them .
29 But she knew all the same that no-one had thought she might leave the tent which seemed warm now and dense with the presence of Antoine — Only he 's dead now , is n't he ?
30 Seems he got left behind at JFK Airport in New York , sitting by the baggage claim with his headphones on , and two hours later , still had n't realised that no-one had come to claim him .
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