Example sentences of "[that] [pron] was their " in BNC.

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1 After the initial meeting , I felt that ‘ they ’ — that 's the advertising company , personified by Richard — felt that I was their man .
2 It may be that it was their actions that tipped the balance for Rank , and decided him against pushing on with his ambitions .
3 If they failed to reach agreement , the Queen would summon them and simply say that it was their business to ensure that the Queen 's government was carried on .
4 The children learned from the example of adults that it was their supreme duty to protect the Royal Family from the degradation of other people 's curiosity .
5 While Billy was at the bar ordering another round , Yanto told the girls about the motorbike and explained that it was their first outing on the machine .
6 I quickly told them that it was their problem and they who had to sort it out .
7 The group issued a statement which said that in view of the adverse publicity accorded to a vocal minority they felt that it was their duty in the interests of democracy and employment in the area to state that there is a silent majority in favour of the proposed Raybestos development .
8 Lutyens 's family were brought up to believe that it was their father who invented Nanna , and that it was from their own night nursery window in Bloomsbury Square that Wendy and the boys flew with Peter Pan to the Neverland .
9 The 34027 Locomotive Group still retain the prestigious opportunity of being able to say that it was their locomotive which took the first train hauled by a steam locomotive into Waterloo after some 25 years .
10 The Committee felt that it was their duty to state that in their opinion , before the whole building was completely furnished and every necessary article provided , the total deficiency would not amount to less than £1,000 ‘ Many opulent individuals of the County have hitherto withheld their contributions ; but application by letter has been made to them all ; and no doubt can be entertained by your Committee of their ultimate assistance and support .
11 Cooperation with the professionals required acceptance of the framework within which John 's needs had been professionally cast : that it was their deficits as parents which had created John 's needs .
12 The Times recorded that this was their sixth partnership of over 150 ; the Telegraph that it was their seventh century stand ; while the Guardian made it the eighth .
13 A second difficulty with this most obvious method of testing is that , even if a preponderance of Protestants were to emerge , it would not follow that it was their religious convictions that supplied the motivation for their science .
14 " It took us a couple of years to persuade the council that it was their fault not ours .
15 That he could do this without awakening the slightest resentment ill the boys was a sign that they recognised that it was their work that mattered to Basil , and in no way his self-importance , which , to a quite remarkable degree he did not have .
16 Would the rest of Britain simply accept that it was their democratic right to self-determination that was being exercised ?
17 The local authority , being anxious to place the mother with the children in a mother and baby home with a view to rehabilitation , sought an interim care order relating to both boys and informed the justices that it was their intention to keep the mother and children together for assessment and at the same time protect the children from the father .
18 They , the audience , were what mattered , for it should never be forgotten that it was their patronage and their applause which truly kept the theatre alive .
19 In Coventry , Salmon is reported to have committed ‘ wicked Swearing , and uncleaness , which he justified and others of his way , That it was God which did swear in them , and that it was their liberty to keep company with Women , for their Lust ’ .
20 Belinda wondered how on earth they were going to get it up the stairs and through the house , but she sensibly decided that it was their concern , not hers , and anyway the bedroom needed to be vacuumed first .
21 When the West Country clothiers ' advocate William Temple wanted in 1739 to point to the advantages of the weavers , he stressed that it was their family earnings which lifted them above the condition of the farm worker .
22 Either way , the word seems to suggest that it was their inability or refusal to suckle which was regarded as characteristic — a supposition exactly in line with my theory that they represent the masculine , aggressive , weaning mothers of early agriculture .
23 Although a degree of corruption was inevitable , it seems in Æthelred 's reign to have gone so far beyond what many of his subjects considered acceptable that it was their main preoccupation when they considered having him back .
24 When a city and its territory was divided between two kings we should understand that it was their revenues that were at stake , although certain cities also had a strategic importance , which may also have been a matter of concern .
25 Opposition to the project became the focus of the resistance to the Communist government and Hungarian Greens claim that it was their mobilisation of the country against the state on this particular issue which led to the regime 's downfall .
26 So so so I say that first because we have in the past had people who felt worried by this attitude , they felt you know that they really they were people who perhaps had a background in the National Trust and who really felt that it was their job to say , oh no do n't touch that .
27 I used to tell trainees that it was their first aptitude test to see if they could make it over Stamford Street ! ’ was not too upset to find that she will have to devise a new aptitude test from the summer .
28 They had gunpowder and very sophisticated engineering devices well before the west , but one can document the fact that the Chinese gave up science , rather dramatically , erm in subsequent centuries , simply because they lost faith that there was any underlying order in nature to be discovered , that it was their background religion and philosophy which led them to give up the idea of unravelling the structure of the universe .
29 He was really concerned for the crowds because he knew that he was their only hope .
30 Is it true that he 'd forgotten that he was their father ?
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