Example sentences of "[that] [pron] would give " in BNC.

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1 Mortified , inwardly seething with fury at this last suggestion , Caroline had endured Roman 's taunting smile as he 'd wryly assured his hostess that nothing would give him greater pleasure …
2 All of them would live more happily if they and the world remained in ignorance , and to try to achieve that I would give them the one gift I could .
3 If I knew how to make copies of myself , I 'm not sure that I would give the project high priority in competition with all the other things I want to do : why should I ?
4 I handed over my life 's savings and promised that I would give her the other nineteen and six before the year was up .
5 That I was n't in love with Nicola — which was true — and that I 'd give her up . ’
6 Erm , first of all I did promise to you that I 'd give you some idea of the sort of material would be on next week 's erm multiple guess questions , okay ?
7 To acknowledge that she could not and never would ask Maggie for the mothering that she would give to her own mother .
8 Rather more docile than when she had entered , Frau Nordern agreed that she would give notice , ample notice , more than enough notice to make sure that they had the room and raised her glass in salute as the manager beamed on Erika and then withdrew to welcome the first of his evening guests , stout , prosperous looking men in heavy dark suits : officials , with their wives .
9 They made an agreement that she would give them her left-over flowers for their shops .
10 So it was a great disappointment to discover that she was quite unlike all the other home-bred horses , and that she would give nothing in return to those who cared for her and bestowed affection upon her .
11 They gave themselves to each other naturally , confident that she would take and hold as he would thrust and that she would give to let him thrust again — long and deep , longer and deeper , longer and deeper still — till both their hearts were thudding and each was lost in the act .
12 In Genesis , Sarah 's reaction to the news that she would give birth to a son in her old age is a good example .
13 She promised to find something else to sell me , and said that she would give me a ring .
14 There was no way that she would give him the satisfaction of seeing her emerge later in the evening with puffy red eyes .
15 The idea that she 'd give up a precious Friday evening for the pleasure of obliging Canon Wheeler for his beaux yeux was a myth she was happy to dispel .
16 At this point I 'd just like to comment on Virginia Bottomley 's contention that she 'd give twenty four percent to Social Services extra in S S A to the ac for the Act .
17 His silence encouraged her to be even more frank , and , looking to where the moonlight caught the line of his strong jaw , she said , ‘ I know you appreciate the help I 've given by stepping in to take Stella 's place , and for that reason I doubt that you would give me the sack — or tell me to go .
18 You 've already admitted that you would give in willingly . ’
19 I said , while you adopt them that you 'd give them your conditions we 're getting nowhere .
20 I 'm sure your husband appreciated from afar the care and ‘ antics ’ of you and your friends , the personal and loving touch that one would give to any loved one going on a long journey . ’
21 We made it clear that we would give further consideration to it once the Barber judgment was clear , and that is precisely what we are beginning to do .
22 The NABC has never fostered a North/South divide and the suggestion from Mr Atkinson that we would give preference to the views from southern counties , as against northern counties , is totally without foundation .
23 They instructed us to tell the promoter that they would give some money towards the gig 's adverts in the local papers .
24 In Tokyo , Mr Miyazawa , Prime Minister , employed a classic Japanese stalling tactic , telling Jiang that they would give ‘ serious consideration ’ to China 's invitation .
25 The irony of Labour 's tax proposals is that they would give Britain an income tax profile like that in the United States , where the burden falls hardest on middle income families with children .
26 Although , if it was a French war , might it also be assumed that the Vietnamese , whose tendency to sit on the fence was the subject of American as well as French complaint , would want to join in with the same enthusiasm that they would give to a national cause ?
27 Since most women did marry , most teenage girls assumed that they would do so and that they would give up work then .
28 At the conclusion of the hearing of this petition for special leave to appeal their Lordships announced that they would humbly advise Her Majesty that the petitioner ought to be granted special leave to appeal and that they would give their reasons later .
29 I. , N. and R. It may be indeed that such doctors will be willing to say that they would give the very authority for mechanical intervention which the doctors who have so far given evidence did not support .
30 He made himself as meek as a lamb , hoping perhaps that they would give him an extra morsel of food or some other favour .
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