Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [am/are] only " in BNC.

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1 You will understand that I am only acquainted with the members of the Institute who come here regularly — who , in essence , are the ones who work in this area .
2 Receiving for me always contained a degree of embarrassment that I am only now beginning to come to terms with .
3 ‘ I keep being reminded that I am only 18 , but I am eager and enthusiastic to play .
4 I must try to remember , Celia said to herself , that I am only a statistic to Dr Shalcross , possibly a case history she might wish to quote , anonymously , because I do n't happen to run true to form .
5 ‘ And you know that I am only here because I have royal authority ? ’
6 ‘ Mr Lawler will be upset that I 'm only bringing him eight brace , but I did my best , ’ Maggie said as they pulled away .
7 You may object that I 'm only describing the kind of action that occurs in whodunnit stories — but look again at the short fictions that have moved you .
8 ‘ Katherine , you 'll be pleased to know that I 'm only here for a few days .
9 Er I should say that I 'm only saying this because it 's written in front of me , some churches apparently in York are putting on alternative festivities er I do n't think they 're trying very hard because I have n't heard of any and I certainly do n't move around the place , hear of any .
10 ‘ Listen , I do n't know what you 're up to now , but let me make it quite clear that I 'm only prepared to put up with you for the sake of the station and my job .
11 Oh it was glorious I made a note to myself actually , that I 'm only going to go out once a week for a proper shop , from a list , in the solar and the rest of the time I 'm going to go to the quite expensive little Robber 's Roe , round the corner from me .
12 I said not that I 'm only saying like , I 'm only saying , passing on what he said I , not that you fucking crease me !
13 ‘ And the senator tells me that you 're only doing a two-week trial with his kids , is that right ? ’
14 It is n't fair that you 're only a secretary at Hoggatt 's because no-one bothered to educate you for anything else .
15 If you get a correlation of about point seven , it means that you 're only accounting for forty nine percent , less than half , of the variants in the other var the other sets of scores Think about it , if it 's a positive , if you 've got a correlation coefficient of one , what it means is that you account for a hundred perc or or sorry , if you 're gon na make convert it to a percentage , you times it by a hundred , it 's the proportion there .
16 You ca n't possibly have it on a verb , and that 's another little rule you might like to think of , that you 're only going to get the apostrophe on a noun , and you will never get an apostrophe on a pronoun .
17 Disgusted Seagull Our best managers also happen to go by the rule that you 're only as good as your last game .
18 Do you find that you are only able to make the minimum payments on your credit cards ?
19 Unless you 're Peter Pan , in which case you probably believe in fairies as well , it 's probably fair to say that you are only young once .
20 If you wear the same thing twice in the same situation you may give the impression that you have one safe set of clothes and that you are only immaculately turned out when relying on that one safe outfit .
21 It is difficult to realise when walking around the area that you are only twelve miles away from Hull , the surrounding woodlands creating a block to the sights and sounds of modern living .
22 Having a naturally restrained appetite , which probably means that you are only a few pounds overweight and have gained this weight over a lengthy period .
23 But even if you do have to pretend , just this once , that you are only an ordinary tourist , that trip will live in your memory , even if it is n't entered in your log-book .
24 The bottom line for liability is that you are only legally committed to an agreement made by an agent when :
25 And that you are only two weeks espoused … ’
26 If you have naturally fair skin , accept that you are only likely to achieve a light tan on a two-week holiday .
27 I am sure that you are only feeling a young girl 's modest misgivings at the approach of marriage .
28 All types of sailing boats as well , I know that it 's easy to think of that we 're only dealing in optimists and toppers er but all types of sailing boats and all abilities , both disabled , youngsters and all types of organizations .
29 Nobody trusts the Trusts , it seems , except the Conservatives and I fear that we 're only a General Election away from a fully privatised Health Service .
30 And they 're saying They are saying that we 're only ones they get pallets like that from .
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